I finished a print job back on the 4th of January. The customer seemed very pleased but He has not returned to 3Dhubs to indicate the part was delivered. I have contacted him several times by text and through the order page and received only one response through text that he would “get right on it”. It is now the 18th and he has still not completed the order.
What do I do?
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Wait, it will flip over to completed and you will get paid. Many customers never complete that last step.
You mean the 5 day countdown that ended 9 days ago?
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Hey James,
A rule now is this : “No customer response for 2 weeks --> the order goes to completed” We’re currently looking into optimisation of this and we should bring it back to working order soon 
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I Also have 2 orders that are in this situation, im sure there used to be a countdown timer that showed the time until payout, could this be re-introduced as I found this very hepfull?
2 weeks is far to long for 3D hubs to be holding onto money, unless they plan to pay a good rate of interest when the money is finally released of course.lol.
I’ve taken care of your two orders
I am also currently speaking with the developers on what has happened here and how to bring it back.
Yes, I agree waiting for the release of funds from 3D Hubs is too long. It can take about 10 days from the finishing the print and that also depends upon the customer who is happy with the print and it’s been picked up then clicking the button, which would reduce the wait time to under 5 days. If they could be asked to click it, it’s a case of what button??? I have paid my money, have my product, why do need to log back in. Oh, there also the need to leave a review, which seems to get forgotten.
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@James_McKinney @steven_10 @3DPrintandStuff we just got it fixed. It will go live tomorrow , however unfortunately we cannot re-activate it on the old orders so please ask your 3D Hubs Admin to move the orders to completed.
The rule is this :
“10 days after you’ve indicated that you have shipped the item
5 days after you’ve indicated that the item has been picked-up”
Nevertheless, You will always want to remind the customers to confirm the print: not only to receive the money faster . but also to get a chance of a sparkling review 
Hi Arnoldas,
I have just noticed, thank you for the very prompt response!
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this is a good idea, have the count down increase if / when the clients click a button asking for more time to review the print or receive it
this will encourage more participation from clients coming back to the site
Thank you Arnoldas, Both my orders were moved to complete, once the payment from 3D Hubs was received, also they were some time ago.