He has started popping up all over the place, from Facebook, to Schools, and even a few Museums!
He is the Gloucester Rugby 2015 World Cup mascot, and if you want to print your own he is now available to download!
Or send an inquiry to my Hub and I can print one for you ;0)
hehe! Another Cute print.
Give us the settings/printer/material, etc. so that we can replicate 
In the Pic shown he is about 65mm tall, made in Bronze fill, polished and patina.
Made on Ultimaker 2.
Settings are Like basic PLA, with:-
Speed 50mm/min
Layer 0.1mm
Shells 3. (allows a bit more meat for sanding)
Inner Shell and Infill at 80mm/min
With a “Touching build plate” setting for support material, as some is needed under his hands.
He can easily be scaled, as I have printed a couple at 240mm tall…
Well, if there’s such a thing as a Rugby Museum, then Scrumpty certainly belongs there! He’d be a first as well, being 3D printed and all
Nice one!
This is an official project started by Gloucester Marketing, they are doing a Scrumpty Trail, in Gloucester using large fiberglass ones painted by schools, to date I have made around 30 of the small Bronze Scumpties, these have been either given out as gifts to people involved with the 2015 Rugby world cup, or given out to the various museums around Gloucester one 250mm tall one has also been painted up and given to the Mayor. I would love to see others in the community downloading and printing there own ones, or even mashing him up and giving him accessories…lol
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Getting printer next week, once I hack the filament feeder, this will be my first print.
Cool, would love to see a pic! add a make of him to my thingiverse page!