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Nov '16 - Took it! Thank you for this awesome project.
Jan '18 - Hey Guys! Wondering if hub portion of 3D Hubs is down for everyone again. Thanks! Sam
Nov '17 - The seller actually sets their own price (amazon just takes a cut…a big cut!). The issue is that anyone can sell anything on amazon (unless it is restr...
Nov '17 - Same issue here - thanks Maddie!
Nov '17 - Hey there! I would read this article: https://all3dp.com/1/food-safe-3d-printing-abs-pla-food-safe-filament/ The net of it is PETG is probably the best...
Nov '17 - Hi there! You will need a bed size of at least 400mm by 400mm by 30mm. The printer that comes to mind is the Creality CR10. https://www.amazon.com/Arri...
Jul '17 - Hello! Its never fun to have issues with your printer, is it? This seems to be a common problem with this printer. I would try a few things. First, get...
May '17 - I agree with you! I have had this happen at least twice with a customer already.
Apr '17 - The reason that the order is declined is weighed into the determination of how it effects your hub. If you have an order that is spam or that the custo...
Nov '16 - Hello! I will look at the files during lunch-break today and give you an estimate.
Dec '16 - I too am having the same issue with the green indicator dots. However, I love seeing the updates daily. It's almost like a ¨find what's different¨ game...
Nov '16 - I too, would love to connect! Please write me at: mailto:3drapidprints@gmail.com 3drapidprints@gmail.com Thanks!
Nov '16 - 3D Hubs will hide you hub if the parts are to big for your printer, so you will never have to decline beacuse of size.
Nov '16 - Why can't you get mail at your physical address? Have you tried emailing 3D Hubs admins about the issue?
Nov '16 - I have never had an issue with USPS. I offer first class (2-8 days, priority (2-3 days), and priority exspress (1-2 days). Is USPS shipping within the...
Oct '16 - Very cool! Is there a reason you used red PLA instead of another color?
Oct '16 - Hi there Paul! I think its nice to have relationships with other Hubs, especially if you work with different materials or specialties than them. That w...
Aug '16 - If the product is under 13 oz, you may ship it in your own box for the price of one stamp.
May '16 - "52 hours"! That should be minuets for sure. Has anyone else exsprenced this? image_0.png
Mar '16 - Thanks Gabriela! This guide helps a lot.