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Dec '17 - I had he same problem. I just bought some glass, printed a spacer and now I just pop the glass off if it doesn't immediately come free. Throw the glass...
Sep '17 - Glass bed is a worthwhile upgrade I strongly recommend it. Just print yourself a shim prior to installing . I upgraded my nozzles recently because they...
Jun '17 - What materials are you printing with, what temps are you using for your bed and extruder and what infill ?If you haven't already completed, consider ge...
Jun '17 - What frequency are you relevelibg your bed? I only have to do minor adjustments periodically if there is a tad amount of variation between pieces of gl...
Jun '17 - What temps are you printing at? Did you change filament manufacturers, does it do that only when you are trying to put plastic on the build surface (i....
Jun '17 - This is more of a feel thing . My dreamer I need some resistance while my creator pro needs to not have any resistance. trial and error
Jun '17 - Are you using hairspray or anything similar to help with adhesion
May '17 - Are you printing via USB or sd card? I generally get that error via sd card when I tell it to print the wrong file on my dreamer. S3d puts two files on...
May '17 - Did you receive an error message that there may be errors in the model and ask you if you wanted to fix or ignore?
May '17 - Did you actually install the firmware on the printer and did you restart the printer after you did? I typically install with direct connect from my lap...
Feb '17 - I run pla on my dreamer at 190 extruded and bed at 50. I use a glass bed with blue tape for adhesion this has has worked for several brands and wood pl...
Jan '17 - This could be an Intermittent wifi drop out. I've printed some large files but I always use an SD card on my dreamer
Jan '17 - Mine came with a spacer that triggered the limit switch on my dreamer. I turned on my printer to make sure that the limit switch would trigger and stop...
Jan '17 - There are multiple websites out there including this one. Use a search engine to find free 3d models or you can use a program like fusion 360 to design...
Dec '16 - I use fusion 360 and when I have a similar issue I create and svg and then extrude in fusionnthen export to flash print that's the work around I've use...