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33 results for@3dprintingguy #3d-printers
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Nov '16
We are working on a simplify3d profile to print without a raft. Don't know if it's possible yet
Nov '16
Great job guys!
Jul '17
we have a 510, how would we get the image?
Aug '15
acetone wouldnt melt ABS completely and would generally make a gloopy mess also although acetone doesnt melt PLA it still reacts, generally my PLA prin...
Sep '17
did you clean the window of the scanner (green light that is scanning the alignment print) or the window in front of the machine?
Aug '17
what is causing it to become detached? is the feed tube getting stuck anywhere?
Oct '16
Hi Jan, post your FFF profile here and I can have a look at it for you
Jun '17
could you share your profiles? cant seem to get s3d working with the makerbots
May '17
library of your local files? or thingiverse files?
Apr '17
Try other brands of pla to see if it's hardware or filament issue
May '17
much easier to edit the stl than to hack the gcode
Aug '15
i think the name should be creatbot @gabriela3d
Jan '16
lol make it wearable! you will see zortrax man roaming cosplay conventions!
Oct '16
is the heated bed warming your bum? =P
Jun '16
you could also look into replacing the springs and or printing some washers to give some extra space
Oct '16
also check that your axis cables arent faulty or loose
Aug '16
Hi Amy, I dont think altitude would affect quality (in basic terms, 3d printing is melting plastic and depositing it in the cartesian plane) but im hap...
Aug '16
looks great!
Aug '16
looks great!
Aug '16
not enough cooling, if you can set minimum print times you will see an improvement or try and print multiple copies at the same time or you can have an...
Jul '16
another option would be printing it on its side, there is usually a good and bad side when you are 3d printing, you can control where it goes to an ext...
Jun '16
do you have access to the input bits?
Jun '16
when you stop pushing is there any noises? is it jamming or just not pushing? could be your stepper motor drivers or cables if not physical jams
May '16
It could also be the x axis cable, find it on YouTube

May '16
Hi Andr, firstly you should look up how to level the machine as this is a common source of problems with making a successful print. Next you should dow...
Jan '15
Hi guys, hows everyone going with your Titans?
Jan '16
awesome Dano! how much does it weigh?
Jan '16
what are your concerns with UFPs? i have 3 kids and share similar concerns so I mainly print in PLA
Dec '15
Congrats Zortrax! you guys have a great printer! still have the samples you sent me many years ago!
Dec '15
please post your factory files
Nov '15
I base my costs on print time, if I spend time printing one job then I cant be printing another job. Average your costs vs revenue per day and then div...