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Jun 2016

Hello all,

I am working with a group of people and we are trying to find a printer to modify. We decided on the FlashForge Creator Pro and were wondering if it is possible to gain access to any output bits of the printer?

This is my first time on this site and I am hoping you guys can help.

Output bits? Not sure what you mean but every single component of the creator pro can be accessed/replaced/upgraded/modified by the user. Hope that helps!

The printer can be modified but now sure on output bits. You can use abs, pla, it has a heated bed. Also you can use flexible filaments.

I don’t quite understand what output bits are but if you mean components the creator pro is very customizable.

It does for other parts of the project, thank you!

By output bits I mean access to the stepping motor, like direct control through the software.

I think that would depend more on the software used to generate gcode for the printer- thats not something I can offeruch advice on as I must use flashforges own software, flashprint. I have read reviews and guides for other programs (such as cura and simplify3d) which have lots of advanced features, but I get all the functionality I need from flashprint. As an aside, the creator pro runs on sailfish firmware so it may be worth researching what hardware controls might be available through creating or modifying a customised firmware.

From what it sounds like you want to do, you may want to look at a machine not based on Makerbot machines.

Makerbot, Creator pro and other makerbot clones use a binary code called x3g. This means you will need to run your normal G-code commands through a x3g converter before sending to the bot.

Do you have any suggestions? One of our team members seems to really believe this to be the right printer for what we want to do.

As far as I know Makebot and the clones of Makebot are the only ones using x3g code. If you want low cost look at printrbot. There are dozens of open source bots out there that work directly with G-code