Yeah here is the link once more .http://www.thingiverse.com/thing:745523
Just scroll down an please read my other post there is a link how to calibrate a delta, in your case the the firmware’s delta radius needs to corrected first in the firmware.
Hi, was this problem solved? if not i think its something with gcode generated by cura. can you please share one gcode i am curious about the beginning of the file (start code) Br., Tamas
You are the real MVP! Thanks a lot. T.
But as a side note please also mention that this speed only can be achieved with a closed loop servo motor, steppers will bearly able to handle this kind of motion, also the prize of the servo system is way too high on a hobby level.
If you don’t need the extra functionalities like dual extruder and WIFI connectivity you can still buy an U2. Or consider a wanhao duplicator 6 it has the same mechanics but much better steel frame, other option would the Zortrax M200.
Hi, Look don’t waste your time on this, let me help you out and clear things up. Please drop me an email to: tpalagyi82(at)gmail.com. My local time GMT+1 so it 6:30AM right now I will be available all day. T.
Hi, Did you tested the endstop switches with pronterface or repetier host sending M119 command? Where is switch for the Z axis end stop top or bottom? If the motor goes to the wrong direction invert its direction by flipping the cable on the board or in the firmware config file above. Otherwise I…
Hi, Get a Craftbot plus for 1100 USD ( metal frame and good mechanical parts, print chamber can be closed, COREXY mechanics, 32bit electronics with touchscreen and they have their own slicer witch became really good in the last year ) Or go and buy Prusa I3 mk2 for 700 USD. Both Machines will hav…
Sorry, cant really understand your question…You have a motor with a pre-made cable like this: http://www.ebay.com/itm/Nema17-Stepper-Motor-100oz-in-1-5A-60mm-for-3D-printer-CNC-17HD60001-22B-/311413328428 Just plug it into the ramps and it will work: If you don’t have a connector on the other end…
Yes, don’t use lead screws for a 3D printer, just for the slow moving axis (like the Z axis), lead screws are not able handle to fast motion and direction change required by 3D printing process, unless u sacrifices speed and acceleration. Also their accuracy is not better compered to good quality be…
I would vote for the Zortrax M200, its a good work horse with still really great quality, Its closed source printer but the complete service you buy from them(own brand filament etc.), will guarantee that it will produce nice prints. Their software is a bit slow with slicing but will generate reall…
Hi, More information would help a lot…what kind of printer it is, type of electronics? But did you installed Arduino IDE? If yes and still no luck try these drivers: http://cnctar.hunbay.com/Vernyul/DOIL/DCcduino_ch340-drivers.zip T.
Use windows 10 built in 3d builder for such an easy task works perfectly. Also most slicers (Cura, S3D) have this option built in.
As your problem is solved already with the delta radius(my idea was the EEPROM stores the values and needs to erased to get new values work) I still advice use this calibration guide to make sure you have accurate prints. http://www.thingiverse.com/thing:745523 Also you current electronics can ba…
Hi, I would suggest to try PETG filament, it stands between PLA and ABS regarding its properties. It is almost as high temp. resistant as ABS, strong as PLA but can flex like ABS, no warping no cracks like ABS, and slight cooling is enough for it and has really strong layer adhesion. I still offer…
Hi, Good decision
(Delta style printer as first machine can be PITA to configure) I don’t think so you will have issue with the Wanhao, it’s well documented and pretty easy to make it work. If you will need any assistance let me know! Regards, Tamas
Hi, It’s after Christmas but its don’t matter, drop me an email to tpalagyi82 (at) gmail.com and I we will use skype and solve all your issues in a few hours to make your son happy. I have built several delta printes no way we can fail with this one. Regards, Tamas P.S… Will only ask for a big …
Hi, Formbot has much better parts like ball screws on the Z axis, and linear rails in the Y axis. The X axis still uses derlin wheels, witch I don’t like, but should do the job. I am helping to a guy in the US who purchased the formbot printer and its works fine, but still have issues with the wal…
Ok! Drop me an email then
Hi, 3D printers can work for days. The problems witch can occur: - Steppers motor or its drivers get too hot and will lose steps= lower the motor current on the drivers, also make sure the stepper drivers have heat sink and a small fan cools the electronics - Print head jams : use a good quality…
Hi Daniel, Isn’t there anybody with a 3D printer near you who can help out? If not I can check you machine whats wrong with it, if you have a good usb webcam. It’s Christmas, so i have the time for you for free
If you are interested drop me an email to tpalagyi82 at gmail.com Regards, T.
I would suggest this printer for 3.5K: https://www.raise3d.com/collections/3d-printer/products/raise3d-n2-plus-pre-order-fdm-3d-printer?variant=18505713473 Much stable print bed, good electronics. Ask a test prints from them as Starkindustries adviced. Tamas
Sorry to hear your story…but its quite typical with these kits. You should made your post to here much earlier, it would save you from a lot of headaches. You “factory” board is a unknown to me but its a Chinese board variant , but you can use the MKS board also it will work. The reason the LCD did…
Make sure the both Z motor cable has the same orientation in the motherboard (same order of cable colors also), if the 2 motors don’t work together,it means the motor driver doesn’t have enough power for the 2 motors adjust the small potentiometer to give it more current: https://www.youtube.com/wa…
Yes, stepper motors can act as generators, so if you move them by hand they will generate voltage, and power up the electronics. If you move to motors slowly usually its not causing any issues or damage to the electronics, so its “normal”. For the mintemp error part i have already replied in your o…
Its looks like a ferrit cable ring, witch should be put on the cable prevent electrical noise. Usually they put it on the steppers motors cable. http://www.ebay.com/p/TDK-ZCAT-1325-0530a-Ferrite-Ring-Core-Filter-Clip-on-5mm-Cable/1718431399
Wiring diagram for this board: http://www.geeetech.com/wiki/index.php/File:GT2560_wiring.jpg Manufacturer wiki: http://www.geeetech.com/wiki/index.php/GT2560 As you have two motors for the Z connect both, doesn’t matter witch Z motor to witch connection. The Error mintemp is an error message me…
Hi, Got your mail, I will make reply to you, and we will continue there. Have a great day! T.
Hi Frank! First: There is one big mistake in this configuration: Initial layer line width % is 300 !!! so it means for the first layer you try to extrude 3X times the amount of filament. Please set it back to 100. Also the initial layer thickens(first layer height) I recommend 0.2mm. You retract…