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  • So I try really hard to help people on this forum, because as a recipient of help when I was getting started, I try to share that help with others. But the number of posts asking for help that are one or two sentences long are making me a little cranky this morning. The number of helpful folks who a…

  • Hi. Just ordered a cheap 3d printer from ebay but i know nothing and arent really shure what i orderd. Trying to read up on everything regarding 3d printers, hardware and software but there are so mutch information im going nuts… Just starting reading about calibration and getting the best print i f…

  • Hey guys I am wanting to get into 3D printing my only problem I don’t know what to printer to go for there is so many !! My budged is £1000 that’s around $1246 I may be able to go over abit my main use of this will be for printing figures from Warcraft league also cosplay items for show, I have been…

  • I have only used 3D printing for smaller objects but next year I am part of an Antarctic project and one of the things that we will do is to measure oxygen consumption in fish. The technique to measure oxygen consumption is something we use a lot in my research group but normally we make the respir…

  • Any body interested in providing me a quote for 3d printing ABS plastic or Nylon 1:100 sale (300x300x300 approx) area of a mining plant. Please contact me if you can help. Im in Perth Australia but finding it difficult sourcing a 3d printing service. Thanks for any help Phil

  • I need help! Don’t ask how, but my dog chewed through all the wiring going to the extruder. The problem is of all the wires there’s 2 plain red wires and two plain white wires. As a result I don’t know which reds to splice together. Same with the two whites. Does anyone have any suggestions? Ways to…

  • Hello 3d hubs! Just me back with yet another question/challenge/needing of advice. So I’m finally within budget range of building a larger scale 3d printer. By larger scale I mean I’d like to double it in the x and y, then up from 200mm to 500mm in the z. General consensus said to use silicon heatin…

  • https://web.archive.org/web/20160423072846/http://blog.fabtotum.com/blog/2014/04/04/belts-and-stuff-experiences-to-share

  • If not homed they blink indicating you need to run G28

  • I have worked with Air wolf at a Job of mine and I just have to say I hate them with a burning passion.

  • I do not own the Axiom 20, however I have owned several other Airwolf printers and currently have an HDR. A colleague of mine used the Axiom 20 on a project and overall his experience with it was satisfactory throughout a 5 week project. It wasn’t the best layer precision quality we’ve seen in a pri…

  • My advice is to open up tabs for every term you don’t know on reprap wiki or something. Ok, so your slicer chops up an STL file into print code (Gcode) and your host software sends that to the printer. Nowadays the slicer and host are one and the same, thankfully. Commonly used: -Repetier -Slic3…

  • That machine lists that it uses/supports Repetier. This is the firmware and also a way to serve the machine files to print. All your needs and documentation are here: https://www.repetier.com/ If I understand things correctly, you will need to assemble your 3D Printer. Of course you might not, I’m…

  • YouTube is your answer to a lot of this… That’s a Geeetech i3 which is a cheap are cheerful i3 clone. You will see a lot of love and even more hate for this printer. It’s cheap for a reason, but it does work if you are willing to put some time into it and improve on it. First steps would be to watc…

  • NEMA 17’s are the correct frame size for a Kossel Mini (most other 3D printers for that matter also) Yes, that motor will work just fine. Kossel Mini’s actually work great with 34mm long motors also. You can’t go wrong with either one, but personally I’d probably choose the 34mm motor because of…

  • I’m not interested in the printer, since i have one of my own. But you do understand that a new UMO/UMO+ is $ 995.00. So you’re asking almost double the price that Ultimaker asks. The only thing you have to do is assemble it. Which is not a pain in the ass.

  • High temp materials prefer a heated build chamber. If you plan to print large parts, parts with thin walls, or parts requiring temps over 200 celcius an enclosed build are may work better. The fusion is a bit outside your budget, flash forge is not known for their customer service. The bcn3d sigma, …

  • Hello Pepstick! I’ve just finished my build of a printer almost in the cubic meter range, and can say that there is one word that should be thought of in every part of the build: stability. If you want decent prints you need a frame that can’t flex, preferably at all, since the momentum of a moving…

  • This seems to be layer-shifting problem. One of the possible causes: - printhead crashes into printed object (long quick nonprinting head jumping is not “completely flat”… or any model portion rises) and motor step skips belt skips (wrong belt tension) Solution: - for fast prints use larger z-…

  • Hi Lance, I work for a school district in Michigan and have been supporting Elementary and High School 3D printing at my district since 2013 and I would without hesitation recommend the Ultimaker Original Plus Kit for your schools. (US supplier dynamism.com will give you an EDU and volume discount i…

  • I don’t know specifics about the Alligator, but it looks to have a single DC bed output with a single MOSFET. That almost certainly won’t be enough to drive the 40-50 amps you’d likely need if you had 4 MK2 beds running in parallel over 12v. Your best option would likely to be to use a solid state r…