Dear Lynne, Sorry to hear that this is the reason you would like to sell this Creatr. Despite the negative comments about the Leapfrog Creatr below, please be informed that I do not agree with this comment. I do use a leapfrog Creatr several years now - and I am very happy with this printer. The…
I do have 2 tanks available for FormOne+which are almost new - just 0nly 1 time … - immediately the silicon bottom part(inlay) was damaged… Due to the very poor service and extreemly high prices from this supplier, I gave up to use of this machine in my Hub… Please let me know how-to proceed… bes…
Thanks for the proposal Benny, I will follow up your advise accordingly, best regards, Hans
After checking all details, I did try to confirm the correctness of the displayed information. Now i did also receive a postcard from the USA to NL, showing the identification kode which has to be entered in the dashboard. Now I am about to give up almost… what a disaster this confirmation - after…
Dear Illja, I do have some experience with the Xeed. This entry level professional printer is easy to use, very solid build and -same as the Leapfrog Creatr, not restricted in filament choices- therefore not expensive in daily usage. Pls specify your need for info and I will be happy to try to answ…
Anybody having experienced and have a solution for blade-jam in powder bucket ? Current M2 printer is stuck after adding powder in right bucket. Now due to this jam, both powder bucket and blade can not move and give faillure number #410 Anybody familiar with this error-code?
Goede morgen Joury, Een van de issues waarom de 3d printers niet veel sneller als gereedschap ingezet worden, is de onbekendheid en complexe software die er nodig is om een 3d file te gaan maken. Is het wellicht mogelijk om in te zoemen op de verschillende gratis software pakketten in de markt - e…
Good afternoon Helder, I do not think this is a good idea. This because of the below reasons: 1. If DHL is interested in this activity, you (and soon 3d hubs)will be pushed out-of-business. UPS is executing this activity(3d printing) via in-house printers in the US already, quit sure DHL is capab…
What is your location? I do have a NextEngine scanner available…
I feel that the current data provided is very usefull and does provide a lot of inside information-maybe not direct but indirect could be very usefull to discover trends- influence opinion and give a guideline.
were are you located?
Dear Filemon, Thanks for the info, however I feel it this is true, there are not many hubs available in NL… or I do not execute the search correct or in the wrong field… is your provided proposal, the best option available to offer a customer ? I think that especially since the fact that more and …
Thanks Simona! Yes-I think an add-on might do the job more easy, it will be possible to avoid lost time in case this service is required in order to prepare the print (due to absence of the .stl file - while having the physical object…) The combination of scanner + printer on one location could be …
Very often scanning could be used for duplicating existing objects. Since Printing & scanning is often combined - but only the printer hubs are visible, I think this add-on is usefull in many cases. Incase a Hub could provide both - this would be excellent - but at least the 3d print hub local-netwo…
Yes-could you share the progress pics as well with us please? It looks really fantastic what you have created - very smooth and invisible assembly - excellent job!