Very often scanning could be used for duplicating existing objects. Since Printing & scanning is often combined - but only the printer hubs are visible, I think this add-on is usefull in many cases. Incase a Hub could provide both - this would be excellent - but at least the 3d print hub local-network could support users to the adresses who can provide this service & ask for a quote…
Yes-I think an add-on might do the job more easy, it will be possible to avoid lost time in case this service is required in order to prepare the print (due to absence of the .stl file - while having the physical object…) The combination of scanner + printer on one location could be a big plus…
Makes perfect sense, @pikes57. And even though it’s not on our short term roadmap, we’ll most definitely look into it. Thanks for letting us know, it’s always great to have input from our users! Cheers
You will get even better results by using “scanning” . This will perform a scanning search just on the 3D Hubs website through google
Thanks for the info, however I feel it this is true, there are not many hubs available in NL… or I do not execute the search correct or in the wrong field… is your provided proposal, the best option available to offer a customer ?
I think that especially since the fact that more and more new printers on the market available, which do contain a scanning function build-in- however the quality in unknown.
Incase an accurate 3d image is required - how-to set targets for quality which the customer can expect when the outout of the scan - and input for the print - is not defined/classified ?
Well, adding scanning services is still on the 3D Hubs roadmap for this year, so hopefully we can make a first big step in the right direction then. Will keep you posted.
Ps. please mention (@pikes57) or reply directly to comments or I don’t get notified of your message