You can manually edit supports if you see they are touching other parts of the model. There is an option to set the supports to start from platform only. Sometimes when the file has mesh errors or is not a solid, S3D and other softwares fix the model but there is the possibility of confusion, causin…
Yes, that happens often. At start points options, you can choose an specific location for all loop starts and at render mode you can check the position of that Z scar. If you don’t mind having the bulge inside the barrel, just change its position.
Coasting turns off the extruder before the end of the loop so when a new one starts there isn’t so much pressure or oozing. Wipe extruder could help too but I rarely use it. Printing outside-in helps for better surface quality although it`s not good for overhangs. Other aspects like infill overlap, …
You could try a little coasting distance, maybe 0,10mm to fix that bulge. Perhaps your nozzle is a bit clogged too. I made a poor job at installing MK10 nozzles on my printer and now they leak from the hotend; I believe it is causing the same diagonal pattern you get on that cube. It improves with …
You definitely have a warping problem. Check adhesion and calibrate your printer properly. As for the mouse, it looks pretty small, you could try printing on a not so hot platform (around 70C) and try using a much lower temperature. Those ears are difficult but I have had good results on small detai…
Assuming that you will go deep into each of the mentioned subjects plus everything others have said in the comments below, I`d say you are covering quite a lot. In my experience and depending on many variants, architecture models sometimes are cheaper and faster when made with traditional materials …
Both PLA or ABS won’t be affected by water but 3d prints are usually never watertight, liquids leak through the layers. I have never used it before but I read Taulman T-glase deliver good results at holding liquids. You could also use some coating to seal your model. I don’t remember what they are c…
Wall thickness will probably depend on your model scale but in any case it`s always a multiple of your nozzle diameter. I have printed architectural models and others at 0.8mm wall thickness (even 0.4 on vase mode). Chosen material and desired strength depends on the shape of your model, size, how i…
Wall thickness will probably depend on your model scale but in any case it`s always a multiple of your nozzle diameter. I have printed architectural models and others at 0.8mm wall thickness (even 0.4 on vase mode). Chosen material and desired strength depends on the shape of your model, size, how i…
Hola! Creo que puedo ayudarte con eso. Ofrezco tanto el servicio de modelado e impresión 3D como de diseño gráfico; si fuera necesario podría vectorizar el logo y luego convertirlo en 3D. Estoy en Curridabat, me podés encontrar en asegura@octopus-lab.com y chequear algunos de mis trabajos acá y en …
I have used most of the popular cad softwares until a year ago when I purchased Moi3D and absolutely love it. I don’t even use Sketchup anymore except for architectural design o renderings. It is very easy to use, very accurate and let`s you can make organic shapes. It costs around $300 and for me i…
Here is a picture of the downside of a cap, on the right are the supports. As you can see, they came out in one block and the flat surface is pretty clean. Unless it’s a really intricate shape, I don’t see the need for washable supports. Unfortunately, we can’t use simplify3d or any gcode generator …
I have used all three nozzles on the same print and it was just crap. The software is useless, hardly anything good comes out if you can’t control settings like retraction or speed. I used to print abs with pla supports and rinse them in hot water; supports get softer but they always left ugly scars…
I am a designer, not so much of a tinkerer, but I own several different printers and from my experience I’d say a good software makes a huge difference on print quality and versatility no matter the printer. Simplify3d is really worth investing. If you are looking to print different materials, havin…
Are you using Flashprint? I am having similar problems but I just confirmed they are caused by Simplify3D v3 rather than the printer itself.
Cubepro is a very solid and beautiful machine but it is handicapped by a definitely non pro software. Slicing is truly a problem and support generation is just plain awful, they are impossible to remove. The best trick I have found is printing ABS with PLA supports. I use a rice cooker to dip the mo…
There is a thread on simplify3d where someone gives detail on the arduino he made to control his cubepro and avoid using original cartridges https://forum.simplify3d.com/viewtopic.php?f=8&t=2067&sid=a4c847876f1e8f3b04c3dc26b70f0b07&start=50 Unfortunately, I don’t know much about arduino or mechanic…
Hi! I am an interior designer in Costa Rica with plenty of experience on the making of architectural models. I used to make them by hand and now with 3d printing the possibilities are endless. Unfortunately I am quite far from Dubai but my advice is that having the 3d printed parts assembled and fin…
I have experience no with Ultimaker or Cube 3 but I own a cubepro trio, among three other printers. It’s beautiful, solid, easy to set up and use and has some smart features that none of the others do. I show it with pride because of how pretty and important it looks in my office but it’s always off…
Hi Sergius! I took off the cover and it did a little better, it almost finished the job! but then it stopped again
Without the cover I noticed the extruder wasn’t exactly “jammed”, it was more like it cooled down and the filament wasn’t melting anymore. Next step is find a way to keep the tempera…
Hi Sergius! I will try the black filament settings and let you know how it goes
Could it be possible that temperature on BTF is not stable throughout the print? What seems odd to me is that it does a good job at first, meaning it is perfectly capable of processing the plastic. Maybe the temperatu…
I am using Colorfabb pla-pha intense green, signal yellow. Also tested a transparent yellow from Hatchbox with transparent settings and worked for longer, about 30min, but it eventually jammed as well. Never tried the exotic one although I was hoping I could use them as well.
Hi Arnoldas! Great guide, thanks for sharing. Have you find some more tricks for using other filaments? I have been trying to use @ and it works ok for a few minutes but then the nozzle gets clogged. I don’t know if it’s because the extruder is not strong enough to pull a 750g spool (I use a spool…
Yes, I am still looking for advice! Thanks for the update. It is great you finally have it working correctly. I am starting a small project and need a reliable double extruder printer. Plus, I am designer and tinkering is definitely not my thing. Flashforge was my second option but some people say …
Hi @Scott3d I guess you are right; I have checked your and other prints and they look good to me. Have you tried the added tools (laser and milling)?
thanks! I just liked your fb page
Hi Mousetrap, Thanks for your answer. Unfortunately there is no Fablab in my country so I can try this printer, from what I see here in 3dhubs, nobody owns one. It interest me mainly because of the “alternative” materials as well as milling and laser. Do you think it’s worth the money purchasing th…
Thank you very much everybody for taking the time to answer. I sent a quotation request to Zmorph a couple of days ago and got no answer so far, this doesn’t give me a good spine.
Does anybody here own or have any experience using a Zmorph fabricator? It sounds to me like a great tool, being able to laser cut and milling besides printing, but I can’t find reviews anywhere.