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  • Hi all I’m a newbie so whilst you all may now think that 3D printing is already old hat, I’m just starting to find out about it. I’m an artist and I prefer to work in 3D either sculptural or bas relief work. I’m looking to work with one of you clever folk to turn some of my smaller pieces into ‘c…

  • Per the recommendation of some folks here on 3D Hubs I’m putting up a design I created recently which got featured on YouMagine and listed on AdaFruit. The strap has gone through a few little design iterations, and came from the need to hold a printable gauntlet I designed onto my arm, without havi…

  • Hi guys, I would like to show you my last creation. It’s a Arduino UNO Portable Lab Case. Since I bought my Arduino Starter Kit, I always wanted to design a portable ARDUINO case with an integrated Breadboard. A portable Arduino Lab that i can put in the bag and take it with me. It is a very styli…

  • Hi, Im looking for someone who could print or advise me on the model I’ve attached. Its quite small… (I’m not sure why the part volume is 0.1 and not 2cm3??) 2.3 x 1.6 x 2 cm (Modeled using cm) Part Volume: 0.1 cm3, it could be made larger (no larger then 3cm3) I would need between 15-30 of the…

  • He has started popping up all over the place, from Facebook, to Schools, and even a few Museums! He is the Gloucester Rugby 2015 World Cup mascot, and if you want to print your own he is now available to download! http://www.thingiverse.com/thing:798224 [IMG_0246.jpg]

  • Hey Bristol community! I’m Camille I’m part of the community team at 3D Hubs! This community is way too quiet for its own good :p, I think we should have a 3D printing Meetup in Bristol soon! Who’s interested in organizing one with me in May or June? Cheers, Camille

  • Hey guys, As creepy as it is I will expose you to a lot of my face in this post so be warned ^^ I have been playing with two scanners : One is Cubify sense: It was fairly easy to set up and use and I managed to get a fairly decent scan of myself The other one is Fuel 3D, which basically just tak…

  • Hi Shadow3, if I understand correctly you are not satisfied with the answers in your previous post? Talk Manufacturing | Hubs There is no straightforward answer to what you are asking here. I can try to address some of the concerns you have, let me know if you need anything else. Concerning your …

  • I completely agree with the comments given by Arnoldas and georgh1ll, although I would like to add that your metric for print quality is also highly defined by what your goal is. If you want to make a model that looks good, layer height, bridging and material quality are important (like the others i…

  • You can figure it out if you know the filament density. For PLA it is around 1.24 g/cm3 and for ABS it is 1.04g/cm3. You can find the density of most other more exotic filament (NinjaFlex, BronzeFill, Igus Tribo, etc) by looking for datasheets online. Since Cura does tell you the grams (assuming yo…

  • Well modeling a splitted pyramid with a cylinder inside isn’t such a difficult job for me, but for someone that never worked with CAD software this might take hours. As this is his first order, I’d like to give him a nice start :wink:

  • Hi there, you can use free software like autodesk’s 123D or tinkercad. If you don’t have the time to work yourself into the CAD software (which shouldn’t take very long), then I could model the parts for you for free. Just contact me via my hub at : www.3dhubs.com/siegen/hubs/marius Cheers, Marius B…

  • Nozzle wear means, that the material has a relatively rough and abrasive surface, which will work like sandpaper in the nozzle. Continously printing with such materials will sand down the nozzle from the inside, this results in a larger nozzle diameter and the nozzle might also be sanded on the bot…

  • Im just up the road in Gloucester, but would be up for a meet up in June! the Glos community is just as quiet…lol Let me know if theres any assistance required… I am happy to bring my Printer and Scanners with me for anyone who wants “stuff” doing… Steve

  • I’d be interested in June. What needs doing to organise it?