Hi, Not sure if this is going to be of much help but I looked into 3D printing a custom scratchplate for a friend of mine. The thing about scratchplates is that they have to be resist bending on the lateral plane, as they hold the pickups in position as well as the volume and tone controls, and som…
Hi guys, Sorry but they’re shipping off to work for a few weeks tonight, so I won’t be able to make an August meet up I’m afraid. I should be back by the end of September though if that or early October is a possibility… Mike
Hi Simon, I’m afraid I can’t tell at this stage but I will definitely go if I’m still here then! Sorry to be vague but I’m a bit of limbo at the moment! Should have flown out a couple of weeks ago but my crew change is still delayed. Would be great to meet up with you guys again, and any new faces w…
Hi Simon, I’m still here - not gone away yet - it’'s very slow work wise at the moment. Waiting on a posting at any time! Up for a meet until then though!
Hi Andrew, That’s easy - I haven’t yet modelled anything that is of any practical use to anybody! When I have done something I think is good enough or useful enough, I’ll upload it somewhere… Cheers, Mike
1. Yes, but I also create my own in various packages 2. No, but I haven’t needed to. I’m happy to pay for models that meet a need for me. 3. No, I haven’t done so yet. 4. Making some money from them would be good but community contribution is also important, particularly until I feel I have reached …
Hi! At the last meeting we talked about doing another meet up in August, so hopefully that will happen! Mike
Yep, seconded! Thanks for a great evening! Really good to meet Simon and Jason and get loads of insight, inspiration and perspective as well as a good understanding of where folks are heading and what that are looking for out of this fascinating field! Hopefully more peeps can make it next time too!…
Nice one! Sounds good. At the Balloon now - there are spaces in the car park here but not been inside yet!
I’m leaving from Ross shortly. We should stick with the original venue for the lurkers on here who might turn up, but could relocate if needed once we know who’s actually turned up!
Not heard anything either, but I suspect that nothing has been booked with the venue - we just turn up and take one or more of the available tables in the pub. I would be surprised if the Air Balloon know anything about us or have reserved a room or anything… Mike
21st @ 7pm sounds great to me! Hot Air Balloon - is that the one in Filton on the A38? Sounds fine! Mike
I think we’ll need some more info from you on this Mike. What sort of picture? Is it scannable? What depth components to it are there? I take it all the depth will have to be created if it’s a 2D image to start with, or is there a chance to get a side (profile) view of the subject too to get the dep…
Cool idea! And timely for me at least! Will likely download that very soon! Mike
Hi, I’m away until the 16th, but could make the 21st… Any venue is fine for me… Mike
My friend holds her Mini Club meetings at the Bailey’s Court Inn in Stoke Gifford/Bradley Stoke pub in North Bristol. I don’t think they charge anything but it’s only a few tables in the main pub area on a Sunday night… Not necessarily suggesting that as a venue, (though coming from Herefordshire No…
Same here Steve, but in Ross-on-Wye. What scanners will you be bringing? I’be done relatively little with my Fuel3D and my Sense I’m sure!
I understand this to mean that continued use of this filament will cause your nozzle to deform in shape, which will affect the quality of your printing. It would have a similar effect to taking some fine sandpaper to your nozzle tip at an angle, but may also have the effect of increasing your nozzle…
Thanks George! I’ll have a look! Actually, just discussing with Francesca offline, I think I might have found a new way of printing this… The symmetry eluded me at first! Will let you know how I get on! Thanks again my friend! Mike https://www.3dhubs.com/gloucester/hubs/mike
Hi George! I take it this was meant for me? Yes, Your model looks a lot lighter on the support structure than mine, so yes, if you don’t mind and I could have a copy of the model, that would be great. My support structure is more the conventional vertical kind, but takes a lot longer to print that…
Hi Francesca, Yes, of course. I trust I can still help with this. If you would care to contact me via my Hub below, we can discuss this further and make sure that I can provide the service you need. Kind regards, Mike https://www.3dhubs.com/gloucester/hubs/mike
@frankiecheska Hi Francesca, OK cool. I’m just trying a new trial print at the moment, but see my reply to George… If you can get a resin, or powder based print in time, I’m sure that that would be the way to go, but if not, someone here might be able to try that alternate orientation, which is j…
@jeri Hi George, Did you want to try that rotation? The new base is the only ‘triangle’ that is connected to the ‘square’. I have G-code if you want it, or you can try my attached file. That rotation is less demanding of support material, but of course, a lot of support material is still require…
@frankiecheska @jeri Hi Francesca, Working with your thicker framed model, and maxed to fit in a 45mm3 area, I found a new orientation that might just make it possible to print on an FDM printer. Could you have a look at the image and see if that would work for you? Mike https://www.3dhubs.com/…
Hi Francesca, I can see where you’re going with this now. Thanks for the info. I’ve been playing with various options and orientations of your file, but I can’t achieve what you need with my filament printer I’m afraid. Even with the different support material options, I’m really struggling to get…
Hi, Yes, I do print, but whether or not I will be able to do this successfully, I’m not sure. What material/colours do you need these in? I’m just having a quick play with the file you sent me on my machine in white ABS, but it’s so small and delicate, at least in these dimensions that I’m not sur…
Hi Frankiecheska, Looks like it could be a scaling problem to me and the model is coming out in mm rather than cm. If I do a x10 upscaling on it on all axes I end up with a model that is 22.6 x 19.7 x 15.6 mm dimensions (see attached screenshot). I take it that’s more like what you were expecting? …
Really nice! As you were printing in ABS, you could have acetone-welded the pieces together instead of gluing, and used a slurry (ABS dissolved in acetone) as a filler. Of course this would have given a shiny result, but not an issue if you’re going to be sanding down. Very tempted to try this mysel…