Try Cura from Ultimaker maybe that wil work beter on a Mac OS https://ultimaker.com/en/products/ultimaker-cura-software
The creator pro dont read gcode files, but x3g files. Read this post on simplify3d to save files as x3g. Saving as .x3g vs. .gcode - Simplify3D User Forum
Mine is also still on Sailfish 7.7 v 01234 I never update it, I don’t see a reason why to update. It prints good. If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it.
Maybe the setting “Ditto printing” is on, on your FFCP. You can check on the display of the FFCP… “Go to Utilities” -> “General Settings” -> “Ditto Printing” if it’s ON turn it OFF. Ditto printing allows you to reproduce the print for a second extruder, enabling you to print two of the same thing a…
Thank you for the answers, My question was more about the pulley bearings of the belts do they need some oil too?
Hi Guys, Thank you for the answers… There is some light dust on the blades, It’s a good idea to give it a blow with canned air first. If it then still vibrates I order a new blower. I find the original blower on Aliexpress for around 16 USD or by a local seller for 14 Euro but the delivery cost are…
-Een drybox voor je rollen filament. PLA, PVA, ABS en Nylon absorberen heel makkelijk vocht en dat kan ervoor zorgen dat je prints mislukken. Ik gebruik de Samla van de Ikea voor als opslag van de rollen. Op Thingiverse staan nog dingen die je voor de box kan uit printen.http://www.thingiverse.com/t…
Thanks for the answer Xeno, if the quality difference is minimal between the U2 en UMO+ than I go for the UMO+. I don’t mind building the kit, it’s a good learning curve to see how the printer works. So I’m still have to decide between the Ultimaker Original + and the Flashforge Creater Pro. The p…