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May 2017


everything in the title

I create a gcode with simplify (cos I keep getting usb timeouts “Firmware unresponsive”)

and save it on the sdcard, but it does not appear in the sd card menu

any idea how could I solve this?

[admin:Why the hell cant I use up arrows and down arrows on this forum ???]


  • created

    May '17
  • last reply

    Jul '17
  • 10


  • 5.9k


  • 7


Things to check. File needs to be X3G which S3D should generate.

If it is there and still can’t see it then use a smaller size SD card. No folders and short file name with no unusual characters.

no it generates gcode files

[edit:wtf, now I click on “save toolpath to disk” and it generates x3g … ok now why the hell did it create a gcode file the first time ???

and not this time???wtf ?]

2 months later

This blew my mind. Thank you. It was the answer I needed.

Too bad this little tidbit isn’t in the FlashForge Creator Pro manual. Some of us in the 21st century are used to long filenames.