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May 2017


everything in the title

I create a gcode with simplify (cos I keep getting usb timeouts “Firmware unresponsive”)

and save it on the sdcard, but it does not appear in the sd card menu

any idea how could I solve this?

[admin:Why the hell cant I use up arrows and down arrows on this forum ???]


  • created

    May '17
  • last reply

    Jul '17
  • 10


  • 5.9k


  • 7


Things to check. File needs to be X3G which S3D should generate.

If it is there and still can’t see it then use a smaller size SD card. No folders and short file name with no unusual characters.

no it generates gcode files

[edit:wtf, now I click on “save toolpath to disk” and it generates x3g … ok now why the hell did it create a gcode file the first time ???

and not this time???wtf ?]

It creates the gcode file first then converts it to X3G. Need to be careful not to pull the SD card from your reader/writer to quick!

yeah I guess it was the issue

but now my filament get clogged in that white tube again, pfff some days nothing works

gonna have to order these PTGE (or PTFE?) tubes

PTFE, it happens. Some reasons aside form the tube being damaged/bad are printing to fast for the temp. Retraction settings to aggressive.

2 months later

This blew my mind. Thank you. It was the answer I needed.

Too bad this little tidbit isn’t in the FlashForge Creator Pro manual. Some of us in the 21st century are used to long filenames.