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  • Just got a whole bunch if resin from ApplyLabWorks. Tested black so far and it is very good.

  • I agree with this statement 100%. I am in the process of shutting down my Hub, as this is becoming more work than it is worth and the fact that they keep changing the requirements of hubs, their software is flawed and blah blah blah. 3 years a hub… Now no longer… Hub is shut down for good. Not wort…

  • @Wirlybird curious as some of my non-3d hubs orders I do remove support and sand. This can take me anywhere from 1 to 3 hours depending on the number of parts, how fragile the parts are etc. If I were to use my typical rates, the minimum cost would be over $300 USD for a stupid simple print that tak…

  • If 3dHubs is going to micro-manage all of us hubs, then I would say that we are being employed by 3dHubs and that we should be also compensated per hour for anything that we have to do with regards to printing. Uber lost its claim that it was just an app and that it’s driver’s were subcontractors, a…

  • What is sad is that 3DHubs is doing this in a vacuum. Did they reach out to hubs asking them what to do? Probably 2 or 3 in Amsterdam. My hubs prices are very low, as the goal for me is to get 3d printed parts out to people for a reasonable cost. There is no place to state what are optional services…

  • I agree, time for us to create our own system. 3d Hubs is getting way to ridiculous

  • Yes. Sla is more and there r instances where it might not make sense to use an sla. But, there r pieces that an fdm printer could never be able to print. I printed A three inch tall piece by about 2.5 inch square. It was hollow and only cost my customer $15 to print. That part would have looked hor…

  • FormLabs 2 printers are extremely reliable. In the past 4 months, I have printed 100’s of objects with only 2 failures. One was my fault completely, the other not sure what happened. Yes, the resin is slightly more than other resins, but it works almost 100% of the time. You can also look at the F…

  • As someone that had purchased close to 80+ printrBot Plays, the machines go crazy pretty regularly and requires a reflash of the firmware. The USB cable is the one that comes with the play, and the USB port for the machine is always the same. This happens more on macs than on PCs. The machine always…

  • Reflash your firmware. I have found that my printrbots lose their USB connectivity a lot. They have a step by step guide on how to do this for all their printers.

  • Our makerspace, Maker Depot, also just finished printing our first e-Nable hand for charity. I will voice the same issues that the Nathanial had with the process. I had printed 2 of these prior to this for a reduced fee, so I did have some experience with them. It was a little confusing as to what …

  • Jim… Did you buy your printer through an authorized re-seller? I bought my printer used off of eBay, but we did go to an authorized re-seller and they were very upfront about the cost of the printer and what is required for maintenance and such. The Stratasys uPrint that we have can print stuff tha…

  • Did you get this printer used? I assume… I have fallen into the Stratasys Used printer trap. We bought a Dimension printer for $7000 USD (18,000 USD new) and it prints in only Ivory ABS. The filament for model and support need to be purchased through Stratasys. It was $205USD for each one, and now t…