When will items such as hub views return?
I would add a image to my profile and track image loads myself, but that seems to be disabled. Hits to conversion ratio information is useful, as are lots of other metrics that seem to have been suspended from view. Since we are unable to see how we stack up against other hubs in terms of performance, having personal statistics was at least marginally interesting, even that is now gone.
When will these return?
WILL these return?
I read the 3D Hubs manifesto. You seem to be moving away from two main statements within that description, local, and platform.
A reasonable amount of orders are local, but I blind tested the new system and was assigned a higher priced, non-local hub for an FDM print (as a note I do not FDM, I was comparing against other local hubs to remove myself from any bias). Three times, interestingly, with 3 different non-local hubs. A “bicycle ride away” as the manifesto listed seems pretty interesting, I guess you all like to cycle in the Netherlands and a trip from NJ to Ohio for a 3D print is a typical distance for you. 
Platform. A platform suggests a common framework where two sides meet to do something, with useful functionality for both parties. Currently, I stand in a dark room with no windows waiting for a shopper to enter and I must scramble to meet mysterious metrics, unsure of what I should focus on, why, or sometimes even how. I have no idea who, if anyone is walking by. When I had metrics, I just had a number, 4 people looked. Were they local, were they from the other side of the planet? Were they new users, were they users that print lots? I have no idea, now I have less of an idea.
I appear to be on a platform in a sensory deprivation tank. Shouldn’t both sides be served on a platform?
As a note, I do not run a 3D printing business, I’m simply a member of a makerspace that offers inexpensive resin printing as a convenience to others (while being convenient to me). The convenience seems to be waning as I am now required to comply with a series of guidelines and restrictions supposedly for my own benefit, and must also blindly trust that it is in fact beneficial to me even after seeing my daily/weekly order counts drop via hard metrics.
I think the manifesto needs to be edited or removed.