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  • If we are being forced to have the default as “You must remove supports.”, the chance for a conversation will not happen with my hub. I will be required to change my extremely inexpensive pricing to a model that incorporates my typical hourly rate. This will cause all of my prints to go from near ch…

  • I think you are dead on in your thoughts here. 3dhubs has focused so much on dictating to hubs what they must do that they have left the customer flapping in the wind. I haven’t had orders recently but it doesn’t mean I haven’t been contacted. Customers don’t want to use 3dhubs because it has becom…

  • Maybe you guys need to stop trying to micro-manage all of the hubs. If I want to incorporate a cost for support removal as part of my base rates for every part then so be it. But if I want to keep the selling cost down for the customer and only apply a charge for support removal where I deem it nece…

  • I think you are missing the point entirely. The policy is that you must remove and sand support material. That means I don’t have a choice between offering that as a service to my customer or not. To comply with the use agreement for 3Dhubs.com, Hubs must remove and sand the supports. Yes I can dec…

  • I don’t see it that way. If it’s minor supports I include the removal for free. If major supports are required, I charge extra for the support material (which also includes removal, unless the customer wants to remove it themselves). The guidelines do not say you cannot charge for removing supports…

  • My form 2 has never failed, i don’t know if it’s just a lucky machine but I’ve printed hundreds of small objects without a single failure! I haven’t received my Moai yet but that’s the other very promising printer we’ve got recently :slight_smile: https://peopoly.net/