Thanks Gabriela! Thinking of a few actually including a form 1+,makerbot replicator and a cube pro trio
I was on a 3D printer website today and the entire website had banners indicating to use their printers in a ventilated area.This may not be possible if you had a “mall shop” for example.
Thanks @cad ninja !Would you mind emailing me or posting just a couple photos of the quality prints you get?
Thanks for your feedback .I am located in South America
I am located in Aouth America.Thanks Though!
I did not post that photo .If you are accustomed to being on here you would know that.Not sure how ,but a photo appears based on the topic.
Thanks for all the feedback guys. I think ill go with the Cube Pro Trio as this seems to be the most reliable.Does anyone know if they are still having delayed shipments?
Does anyone have any experience using the cubify range of printers. I find it odd not even one of their printers are trending or being mentioned here? [cubify_jpg__600×304_.png]
Based on the feedback I don’t think ill get it .Thanks Guys
Does anyone have experience using this brand of printers? How is the reliability and print quality ?