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Off-topic, please consider this a warning @kevinpingcan
As a 3D Systems reseller for Eastern Ontario/Western Quebec, my experience with the Cube and CubePro printers has been positive. We can get these printers within days, and they usually work fine “out of the box” provided that the initial setup is done properly and if the equipment didn’t get bounced too much in shipping. We also sell RoBo and MakerBot, comparatively all three brands/models seem to work relatively well. My guess as to why very few Hubs list Cube and CubePro equipment is because most Hub operators tend to get equipment that is easier to modify and/or upgrade. A RoBo can easily be enhanced by upgrading the electronics, the hot end, etc. Can’t do that with a Cube or CubePro. Material availablility may be another reason. More brands and types of materials available for RoBo and other open-source devices than for the Cube and CubePro.
I own a Cubepro and even though it’s a beautiful and well built machine it is crippled by a poor slicer that makes you waste it’s overpriced material. I love my printer but hate the fact that software and cartridges are designed to excesively waste a filament that costs 4 times the price for less than a 1kg (I had to open up a cartridge and weight it of course, not that 3dsystems is any clear about this info) and that this ridiculous pricing is a consequence of all the control methods they use and not the result of an outstanding quality and performance. I would be willing to pay the price for a good product but I deeply regret being engaged in this vicious cycle. There are companies out there with a wider variety of colors and textures, at a reasonable price who don’t confuse customer’s loyalty with forceful dependency. This is not cool.
I feel strongly that the community should be boycotting companies who introduce proprietary filament systems. Here in the UK the Cube filament is twice the price of others. Think what happened with inkjets! Just a thought…
We had develooped lots of accsesorys for BFB machines in the past we still have extruders, heated beds, metal replacements, etc!
I’m in Argentina if you are intrested contact me via !!
Good prints!
Besides the expensive price tag of the Cube printers (I own a CubePro Duo) and was curious if anyone else out there has also had new cartridges with unreadable/ unrecognizable chips in them? I’ve only had this happen with 2 of the 3 black PLA cartridges I’ve bought. No matter how sure I am that the new cartridge is positively seated to the reader, I continue seeing the “Not installed” status for the bay these cartridges are in. I’ve tried loading them in the secondary bay with the same results. All of my other new and used cartridges all are recognized and read properly, except for these brand new black PLA cartridges.
I’ve got RMA numbers for returning them, however I was wondering if anyone else here has had this experience, and possibly even found a way to remedy it….
I own a trio and so far I haven’t had any problems with the cartridges except that they are overpriced. I have talked to many people that are trying to hack their printers either because they want to use bulk filament (like myself) or because their chips are not readable and don’t want to wait another several weeks to get new ones. From what I know, they end up returning them…