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QidiTech deux têtes

  • One possibility is that the filament won’t advance because it is wrapped around itself on the spool and thus stuck. In my experience this is a accompanied by a clicking sound of the stepping motor attempting, unsuccessfully, to advance the filament.

  • There is no requirement that both extruders be loaded for it to work. I have often run it with only the right (default as I remember) extruder loaded… Regards

  • Yes, blender is good but hard to learn…

  • Not sure this will be very helpful… I have had one for 1 1/2 years and am actually fairly pleased with it. I have however not been able to use the dual extruder feature to much advantage (used only for support material, not for different color plastic). Also, in general, I have not found “high-qual…

  • I’m puzzled by this. My QIDI came with sailfish!?

  • Though I was able to make parts with Makerbot and a few with Replicator, shelling out the money for Simplify3D made a big difference in my life.

  • I speak only for myself, but the trouble I had with my qidi double extruder were, in hindsight, due to my inexperience and/or impatience. After about 6 months I’m pretty happy. I have not tried to make two-color prints but have tried prints with support (both pva and hips) with very little success, …

  • Are you sure your file was saved where you think it was? (also just a thought…)

  • These are spares I believe. I don’t mind answering this since I could, but Qidi will answer (in Chinglish) questions like this pretty quickly…

  • I doubt very much this is a viable idea. I myself am a beginner since I’ve owned my Qidi (e Replicator clone) for a few months so my answer may only show my inexperience. First you would have to find the right kind of plastic with appropriate flexibility to deform the case while putting phone in a…