December 28, 2017, 10:46pm
My new Qidi x-one 2 has printed several items with no issue, however, on the last print, it quit dispensing filament. I have determined there are no clogs or jams, but the filament will not come out. A little will come out after heating, but nothing comes out during printing. It just goes through the motions of printing with no filament coming out. What else can I do?
One possibility is that the filament won’t advance because it is wrapped around itself on the spool and thus stuck. In my experience this is a accompanied by a clicking sound of the stepping motor attempting, unsuccessfully, to advance the filament.
It sounds dumb, but I did this once and kinda freaked out about it. Check your settings to make sure you’ve set the correct nozzle. I slipped up, set one nozzle to heat but the other to actual print, so the motor was feeding dry on one side, meaning nothing was coming out, and the other side was just kinda drizzling out as the plastic melted through and got pulled down by gravity.
Try stepping back a bit. Can you manually push through the filament? If not, then
there’s a clog. If you can, then it may be the extruder.
If there’s isn’t a jam or clog, you probably need to check the extruder settings of your 3D printer. There could be some errors with the temperature settings or you are probably using a low-quality 3D printer filament.
Check all these conditions to be favorable to ensure proper working with the 3D printer.