I am getting very poor quality prints. I am using the slicer that came with the machine, as I am a newbie. What should my settings and advance settings be for a high quality print? I teach elementary school and need to be able to have my students print quality prints. Thank you!
I may be able to help. Could you post your current settings and materials you are using? Also, depending on how worn the bed sticker is, fine tuning the bed level can make a world of difference.
I have had one for 1 1/2 years and am actually fairly pleased with it. I have however not been able to use the dual extruder feature to much advantage (used only for support material, not for different color plastic). Also, in general, I have not found “high-quality” printing to be that much better than low-quality (especially, as I believe, the increased precision applies only in the Z-axis).
I did find that my prints improved with time (i.e. as I became more experienced (c.f. Mark Twain)). In particular I pay a lot of attention to orientation of my parts (all geometric as opposed to minotaur heads etc.).
Finally, though I was able to make parts with Makerbot I gave in and purchased Simplify3D which is really, really more user friendly and better all around (and its support in the same plastic as the part is impressive).
I think we need more info. What do you mean by poor prints? Pictures are very helpful. What material? What settings etc.
To start I would say get the slicer reset to defaults for the printer. Start there using PLA. Then see what the issue(s) are and then can try to address them. Make small changes one at a time and see the effect.