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Dec 2017

Hi all - I am looking for CAD software for a mac that I can use to make minor alterations to an existing STL files. I simply need to put a rectangular slot in the back of a part; preferable to do it by design instead of having to use a dremel tool. SW with a free trial option for mac would be great. Thank you in advance! -Mike

  • created

    Dec '17
  • last reply

    Oct '18
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Hi Mike,

You can try “Blender” or “Fusion360” they are free softwares. It might take a bit of time to get used to their interfaces but can be really useful.

Nahla - 3D Hubs

Thanks higonnet! I’ll have to take a look at that this weekend. Since I need only to make the one modification I mentioned, maybe it will be easier. I could possibly find someone local on Craig’s List to act as a consultant to show me how to get there. Thanks again for the recommendation.

Thanks Nahla! That is the second reference to Blender I have seen so I will definitely check it out. I’ll also look at Fusion360 this weekend. This forum is really great, I appreciate the fast help!

FreeCAD will convert stl to step then any 3D cad software can edit it. OpenScad slso will work

Thank you Yaniv! I did load Fusion360 and watched a few Lynda.com courses and Youtube videos. The YouTube videos were very targeted and helpful. In just a day I was able to pull STL files into Fusion360, modify them, and save them back out to a printable file. The application is powerful so as usual a little complicated to learn, but there are a lot of great resources available to help. I appreciate this forum and everyone who replied, thanks again.

In my particular application, I needed to cut a notch in an object. In Fusion360 you create the notch shape as an object and then join it to the target object as a “cut” join. The shape of the notch shape becomes a negative space which is subtracted from the target object. If anyone has a similar need I would be glad to share the process.

Others have suggested some great tools but they all generally require installation, setup, and some non-trivial learning curve. By all means dive in and try those apps, but if all you want to do is punch a rectangular hole in the STL those options might not be the simplest way to get the job done.

For simple tasks like this (and for some lightweight design work) I use a free online tool called TinkerCAD. It’s a web-based CAD environment, so you just open the site in your browser and start working. You can import STL files easily, modify them, then export as a new STL file. I do this a lot for customers who upload partially broken designs that might not meet their requirements. It’s also a handy way to chop up an STL file that would best be printed as two halves.

Give it a shot, I think you’ll like it: https://www.tinkercad.com/ 2

10 months later

Closed on Oct 6, '18