Programmer having fun.
Slic3r (aka slow) has the ability to slice parts during build plate layout. I haven’t figured it all out yet since I usually have gcode and not stl when at the printer and I always use Cura…
I would love to see a video. I’m trying to work out how to build functional parts that are large also… Screw together, bolt together, slide in place/lock down, poppit connectors. There has got to be a science already here that I don’t know about. (duh!) There are all sorts of requirements that co…
Nearly tried it. I hate to kinda do it because it ends up being the way the customer learns to submit orders. Also, clearly someone is aptitude to cancel the order if I create it. (this dings a printer) If they go to the trouble to create the order, there is less likelihood to cancel it. – Is th…
I also assume keeping supports in might be necessary if an item is shipped. I add in single sided razor blades to help removal. I do assume they would hate this and do a poorer job.
4pm UT? @Beat Time? 0400? Ahhhh. Amsterdam time… Missed that!!! Sorry
Opening it to an API also gives quick access to price shoppers. Find the lowest price anyways with shipping. So, if it is wide open access, one would want automatic shipping charges possibly, automatic prices without bothering a hub owner. The site should then have predictive turnaround on queued …
Yikes. I wouldn’t want people tagging customers with ‘bad’ labels. Customers have bad days. Sometimes they take it out on people. I don’t think this is a great idea. I also think the media could pick this up and have a hayday with it. But I also assume it could be good, like keeping track of which …
Waiting for a FULL API implementation yikes… I was just going to write a shell script to wget, stick a button into it, browse it, punch the button and it saves the CSV. Then, import that as a spreadsheet which I could use to mark off which items were in which build plate, decrement counts. I labe…
Is that Fusion 360 you are using? It seems fine to me. But, Blender 2.75/2.76b from is free.
I had a great time meeting people and freezing a bit. Teenagers love 3D printing and freebies. Hopefully they will see how much fun it is.
Maybe the term “Maker” should be changed to “Speculate, Scavenge, Tinker, Assemblers,” SSTA. Clearly it is what I do. P.S. Did you see how the center of mass moved and wasn’t constant? Hmmm. Maybe I could find some lifts instead of levers, put the motors at the top to avoid heating the cake, switch…
And its now over for the USA.
I was getting MIN_ERROR and had to go set the min values to get it to do anything after warming the print head… Then reboot. It printed OK though… Certainly no droops or sags. I’m gonna get a torch for outdoor ABS printing in January I guess… (I assume ‘A’ 1st letter, 1st month? ‘N’ Nylon in Novem…
Sam, I am going to tell people about This is so all printerers in the area are available. You may have a M3D? I am sure I won’t get a lot of exposure. But, I will start soon by checking out the colleges. Someone in Durham (Woodcroft) has a robotics team. Kids a…
How about put on your hub pictures of prints of items likely deemed cool by your movie industry. Futuristic? Cosplay? Civil War pieces. People DON’T understand ‘Print Anything’ really means print anything. Find an entire set of props for a SINGLE movie. Print them. (Complete them - painting) Show t…
Errrr. Uhhhh. This one’s easy. Advertising. Go to the movie industries, find the props people pitch to them that they should spend their time designing not printing. Teach them how to build a reusable set of designs. Go to the local colleges and talk to the professors. Pitch to them the same. Get th…
Although, if 2 people is the extent of the crowd, I can pack it all up and do house/office visits… Ha!!! Around 4:30-6:00 would be the local neighbors stopping by.
As far as I know… There IS no-one in charge other than they asked people to show printed stuff, maybe let people see the printers, give out coffee, drinks, food (if you want). Then, annoy everyone that walks buy and show them that you can print plastic stuff, and if you’re an engineer, this stuff …
I meant can I add one that would go to so people could take a picture and save the url at the event. I’ll assume this means “OK, go ahead.” I don’t care about the rest of ya’ll! (Just kidding.)
Ok. I’ll fall for it. “I don’t know. Why is it so boring…” I’ve waited a few days for this punchline it better be good.
Can we add a qr code to access our hub? I don’t want to infringe upon copyright.
Search for simplify3d there is an awesome web for showing corrections for many of the errors in your prints… It looks to me like a little bit too much flow (bubbling up a little, scratch marks on top surface (nozzle scraping). Print speed to high in some areas. I dont know if you adjust specific ar…
That looks like good filament to me. I’m no expert though. Is there a retraction at those points to cure the layer? You might use ‘cura’ or some such to look. Maybe the retraction is leaving something? Have you run lots of calibration tests yet?
Thanks. I don’t have any wet filament. I just heard it was bad. I’m trying to add suggestions for the troubleshooting guide. I’ve seen every picture (nearly) on my printer. It is good to see others notice this stuff also.
If you consider firmware hardware. I don’t know the price differences so I have no opinion one versus the other. They are probably identical. The firmware in the first one is nice. Wait for more opinions…
The Prusa model has new firmware for changing the filament. Which sounds like it would come close to working OK. “Close” The other model looks like standard printer. If you experiment a lot, you could probably find the new Prusa firmware and download it. You probably WONT change filament often beca…
Oops, not what does loose belts look like, what do the prints look like with loose belts.
- What about loose X belts? What does that look like? - What about loose Y belts? What does that look line? - What about parts that don’t fit together that should? - What does PLA look like with no additives? - Does all PLA weigh the same and same length? Is black more/less dense than red? - Wh…
This guide is what I’ve spent the last month learning, torturously print by print. Excellent. Top notch photos and descriptions.
Is there anything on moist abs/pla?