- What about loose X belts? What does that look like?
- What about loose Y belts? What does that look line?
- What about parts that don’t fit together that should?
- What does PLA look like with no additives?
- Does all PLA weigh the same and same length? Is black more/less dense than red?
- Why can’t all models be printed with 0 infill? Shouldn’t the designers make sure
everything will print and seal correctly and the only difference is strength?
I printed a piece that printed a horizontal surface 5mm above a lower horizontal surface.
It NEARLY made it. Is that a bad printer, or bad design? 5% infill fixes it, but that info isn’t
retrievable from a STL file. Is it?
- Why do some stl files have objects that are supposed to be in CMs, but show up in MMs and have
to be scaled larger by 10?
- How does one know which is the best surface to print on the print bed? If the best outside surface
is printed face down, it is nice, smooth and flat, but can have glue patches, tape lines. I see some really weird
stuff you don’t have a picture of… Kind of like blotches of very hard areas and not so hard on a bottom layer (bed melted
- I see places where the print is clipped on the bed as it runs into the x side.
- I see text print that looks horrible then printed on a top surface, but great when rotated and printed.