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Dec 2015

What is the difference between the icons shown on the map? Some are orange houses while others including mine are a teal shopping cart.

Also, there seems to be many participating hubs missing on the events page. Is it up to us to create a meetup and tag it with #3DPRINTINGDAY?

Hi @rmigliac,

The difference is between home printers and “shops” (like Fablabs, Printer shops, Maker Spaces, etc), based on the information provided by each participant.

We’re still updating event pages (especially for the big cities like NY), so stay tuned for that. No need to make a Meetup yourself.

Hope that clarifies.



Can we add a qr code to access our hub? I don’t want to infringe upon copyright.

Ok. I’ll fall for it. “I don’t know. Why is it so boring…” I’ve waited a few days for this punchline it better be good.

Nice one !! It’s going to be amazing !!

@3DHUBS Team The name of our hub in the map is not corresponding with our Hub Name ! Thanks in advance if you could change that :wink:




We will do a map update Monday + publish the events for the New York and London communities :slight_smile:

I meant can I add one that would go to www.3dhubs.com/raleigh/hubs/gd so people could take a picture and save the url at the event.

I’ll assume this means “OK, go ahead.”

I don’t care about the rest of ya’ll! (Just kidding.)

It is going to be a great event. So sad that I can’t open my hub that day. I wish you all the best guys.

Nicolas, Paris mayor

I have been trying to make Atlanta better! I can’t find the answer. You would think Atlanta would be great with the movie industry being so big here needing props and all. Any suggestions?

Errrr. Uhhhh. This one’s easy. Advertising. Go to the movie industries, find the props people pitch to them that they should spend their time designing not printing. Teach them how to build a reusable set of designs. Go to the local colleges and talk to the professors. Pitch to them the same. Get their buy-in. Let them go through a semester with happy students.

Be a business. Look at microeconomics models and advertising. Give away stuff, build up people’s investments in the 3D business/printers. Make it so they can’t live without them. Then, jump on the supply demand curves. Businesses take a LONG time to grow. If you grow with it, keep up with their needs, supply that and predict their future needs (grow to that), then you will gain all there is in that business model. It could be millions or $10.

Plan appropriately. Live life. Then Print It!

How about put on your hub pictures of prints of items likely deemed cool by your movie industry. Futuristic? Cosplay? Civil War pieces. People DON’T understand ‘Print Anything’ really means print anything.

Find an entire set of props for a SINGLE movie. Print them. (Complete them - painting) Show them in a single picture (connect those dots for people… “I can print your entire prop reqs.”) To the movie industry, getting the prop made isn’t important. Getting the right people together to make it happen is ALL.

just my 12 cents.

Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!

Did I mention,