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Programmer having fun.

  • Hi guys, In the past, many of you reached out to us about the option of offering discounts to your customers, whether to attract new ones, encourage repeat business, or reward your best. In our experience, discounts have proved to be an important tool for growth, which is why we want to offer you …

  • As a Hub, it’s no surprise that some of the customers on the platform are new to 3D printing. You already know the drill by now: before newbie customers send in an order, they usually reach out to you directly for additional questions or further clarification on printing their model. Getting in tou…

  • Hello, I had an order today in which someone wanted something printed that is far too small for an FDM printer. I confirmed the listed dimensions were correct in case the file was uploaded too small, and when the customer got back to me and told me it was, I knew I would not be able to print the pa…

  • [3d hubs picks_2.png] By now, most of you have already heard of the most insane birthday cake out there: an Optimus Prime Transformer! Here’s a refresher (it’s worth watching again, even if only to see those 6-year old’s faces :slight_smile: ): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jtvTV-FrupU So we reached to Russ…

  • I had a great turn out today! 3D Printing is something quite out of the ordinary for my area, which fueled much curiosity and buzz around the office! I even had the CEO stop in for a bit to check out the display! (Which is pretty cool coming from a company this size. You might be able to guess the c…

  • Dear All, PaliProto is open till 7.00 pm today in Celebration of 3D Printing Day. We have snacks and there is still time to save 10% on Zortrax M200 printers and Z Filament. Please come and see by yourself 3D Zortrax printer in operation. 10% offer is valid for in stock items only. Come in, have c…

  • Happy 3D Printing Day! And what an awesome day it is :slight_smile: Join us this afternoon, in between 3 and 6 pm, as we put up a solid 3D Printing Day party for your enjoyment. We’ll be 3D printing, chatting and then 3D printing some more :wink: Be sure to tune in to Periscope today, for the live-streaming from our …

  • You won’t find this ‪#‎3DPrintingDay‬ meetup space on any map… because it only exists in the Metaverse. I’ve created a virtual space for those who find themselves without a physical location to meet others and share information. No special hardware required to participate in 3D avatar driven voice…

  • During the #3DPrintingDay my hub opens for visitors. Come to the ‘Crown Business Center’ in Haarlem to learn, meet, or just for fun. -3D Printing demo. See the Zortrax, ZYYX and Creatbot working. -6 different 3D printers. -Prints showcase. See and touch many prints. -3D Scanning. See and try mul…

  • Dag allemaal, in hartje Utrecht wordt #3DPrintingDay ook gevierd: tussen 15.00 en 21.00 u zijn jullie welkom op Donkerstraat 13. (bijna aan de voet van de Dom). Koffie en thee staan klaar. En mijn Ultimaker 2 draait… En er is groot nieuws! Maar dat vertel ik donderdag wel… Dear folks, this thursda…

  • Who wants to test new top secret 3D software? If you like it, you can use it after you tested it! When: Wednesday & Thursday (for max 1 hour) Where: Q42, Oostelijke handelskade 749 Amsterdam Who: everyone who made a 3D print before Interested: pls mail to Kim@q42.nl

  • Hey everyone! I did a simple 3D printing project recently and wanted to share it with the community! I like using 3D printing blended with more traditional building materials in unique ways. I printed connectors to be used with quarter-inch dowel rods to make different geometric shapes. All connec…

  • Who is the event organizer and do they need volunteers for setup? How do I find the event organizer or contact info?

  • Join us in Bend for the Global 3D Printing Day High Desert Maker Mill 213 SW Columbia Street Bend, OR 97702

  • Over 400 Hubs have already joined us for Global #3DPrintingDay. Only one week to go to open our 3D printing doors to the world, so time to make the most out of it! :slight_smile: The map for 3D Printing Day is now available. All participating Hubs should be on. The full list of events is still being compiled, so…

  • Beckatt Solutions will participate in Global 3D Printing Day on Thursday, December 3rd. During business hours, we will have speakers talking about the history and future of 3D printing, demonstrations of multiple 3D printing products, 3D printed parts giveaways and more. We will be answering all you…

  • I have had nothing but continuous questions at my day job, about all things 3D printing. What better way to help my co-workers understand and witness the printing experience than an actual devoted day!! My idea is simply to showcase the basics, but I would love to hear anyone’s ideas for how best t…

  • To dress up as and surprise my friend, I made a 3d printed mask of his face. I had scanned his head a few months back so he could experiment with the textured mesh using different rendering and animation techniques, and had kept this all secret until Saturday night. Using my own face scan as a guide…

  • Any 3D printing enthusiast will tell you that creating a high quality 3D printed object is part art and part science. Even the most accomplished 3D printing expert has had their share of failed prints because there are many factors to juggle. The design of the object itself may pose challenges. In a…

  • Would anyone would be able to make one of these for a robot? If so, please let me know. Also estimate of cost.

  • Hey guys, I’ve got a pretty simple question this time: what’s the best HIGH-END 3D scanner out there? I’m looking to take complete 360 degree scans of action figures and small(ish) toys, and I’ve got some money to spend in doing so. So, I’d love to hear everyone’s opinion. Right now, I’ve been loo…

  • Sadly no, I haven’t had the chance to get my hands on one. There’s a guy local to me that uses one and he speaks very highly of it, especially for the money. Don’t be afraid to e-mail them and ask for scan files since the worst they can say is no. Most of these smaller companies are very helpful and…

  • Hey Jory, Wow! Thanks for all the info! I actually looked at the David3D models, and was pretty impressed with what I saw online. Do you have any direct experience with that brand? Thanks again!

  • From my research into this and with a fairly unlimited budget as it would be for my employer, I’ve found that the Artec Space Spider gave really nice results and it was fairly fast and picked up fairly small details with good accuracy. Granted, it’s still a $30K+ machine, but it did the job really w…

  • This one I am looking to buy as the software it comes with looks solid and user friendly http://3dgbire.com/collections/3d-scanners

  • I should have a tutorial video posted within the hour. Stay tuned…

  • Me too :slight_smile:

  • The best solution I have found is to import the STL into Tinkercad.com. Once it’s there, I usually copy and paste a second copy of the part. I then create a huge cube to be placed over the part that I want gone and subtract it from the model with the hole - join feature. I do this for both copies if…

  • I use the split tool in solidworks that lets you split a part as much as you want, but that might not be a free solution unless you get a trial or student version. I would think that any CAD software would have a similar tool though

  • 3D Builder, native in Windows 8 onwards does the job simply and for free.