My tecno cave
#WeAre20k [edddy_s_hub.jpg]
top class!
multi head and support material is not a so good advantage, supports leave a trace, printing time is the twice, work on the print and maintenance is doubled
Maintenance on Ultimaker is way easy, it’s open source so every details of the machine have access. At the using, the open sources of the Ultimaker is also a benefit, third party apps can be used and the community is strong. The Ultimaker2 have a weak point, the extruder. Not easy to feed/unfeed, …
I’m ok with all my peers , so what to say more… wanhao dX4 is a chinese copy of replicator X2, seems exactly the same but very cheapest http://www.aliexpress.com/store/product/wanhao-3d-printer-new-version-Duplicator-4X-Wanhao-3d-printer/120824\_1485391062.html you can ask to @makersaffair , she g…
Cura is a good soft and I use it for most of my prints, but sometime I’m using slic3r, to change the infill mode, the honeycomb infill got a realy good effect with transparent plastic I’ve also try netfabb, powerfull but it’s not so freindly, perhaps my taste
a prety good idee Julie, I go out side to catch the Efeil tower now
beret1.stl (649 KB) [IMG_6080.JPG]
mmm ok let’s give a try
the fifth filament is printing in Paris see you soon
yeah! I go for it
First, I don’t recommend Foldarap for beginners, it’s not easy to calibrate, at least it needs to be a accomplished maker to like it. Then, the concept is to print it in PLA and I recommend to print a lot of part in ABS instead, some PLA parts of mine have melted: extruder motor support, Y motor su…
yeah, thanks, I’ve seen and I’ve participated
I’m also e5dy Bart forget to link the file in the fist hour, but it was quicly fix [Marvin_Ninja_frightening-s.jpg]
“Download Marvin.blend to get started.” mmm, yeah ok, but where?