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  • Hey everyone, Here’s a weekend treat for you: we’ve teamed up with BlenderNation for a Marvin contest! All you have to do is Give Marvin Superpowers and the top-3 winners will receive $30, $20 and $10 in free 3D printing on 3DHubs. The rules are super simple: Download Marvin.blend to get started…

  • No one seems to understand how damn important open source is until they own a printer. Owning a printer from a company that blocks you from using other software with it really sucks. Not allowing you to hack it or add third party nozzles or third party filament or tweak the firmware or use a friends…

  • That’s nice, but it’s not very convincing. The top surface looks slightly over-extruded, which isn’t a problem when you print with infill, but can be an issue when you print something at 100% solid. Maybe that’s not a big deal. But look at those corners – they are both rounded and bowed. Print a cyl…

  • Honestly I think you’re going to be disappointed with these 3D printers. I have an Ultimaker2 and love it, but it is simply not in the same class as a machine costing 10x as much or more. You are used to machined aluminum. People on here claiming you’ll get similar tolerances to injection molding ar…

  • forget cubepro. software doesn’t work well. printer is not reliable at all. material super expensive and cartridges blocks but if you are still interested in, i can sell you mine :wink:

  • Hey there @davidepecchini. depends what you mean by an “investment”. Will you be able to sell enough 3D printed products to pay for the printer? Maybe. Really depends how creative and enterprising you are. Will you be able to get the money back when you sell it? Nope. Fraid not. Will you enjoy learn…

  • Part of the workshop, the printers are behind the camera! #WeAre20K [_MG_2231.jpg]