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28 / 31
Mar 2015

Another Ultimaker2 owner here.

Keep in mind that support structure is dependent on the slicing software. You can use the slice Cura but you don’t have to. There are quite a few advanced parameters you can change in order to make support structures easier to remove.

Dimensional accuracy is very good but it is dependent on the filament you use. So make sure to print with high quality stuff (colorFabb, Faberdashery or Ultimaker’s own filament).

I echo all the comments here relating to the Ultimaker 2. I’ve made engineering models using mine where I’ve had a dimensioned drawing to refer to at the end to check the print. Generally I’ve found that the difference to the nominal dimensions to be around 0.2mm (and certainly no more than 0.3mm), these are well within injection mouding tolerances… I would attribute this difference to around 0.1mm of error from the printing itself and around 0.1mm due to material contraction after printing.

If you want super accuracy for holes you can always design them to be slightly smaller than the intended dimension for printing and then post-drill them to the correct size.

>But look at those corners – they are both rounded and bowed.

Absolutely - that’s a problem if you print any faster than 25mm/sec due to the nature of the bowden and how it stores pressure. This is definitely a problem for someone who needs really good tolerances and I don’t know the solution other than software and I don’t know that anyone deals with this in software. yet.

For most prints it’s okay if the corners stick out a bit, but not if you have many parts that need to fit together with tight tolerances.

The calibration cube was not optimized for accuracy of the corners. I wanted to test the top surface but was happy to see that the tollerances are still that good.

The material has a bit more to do with dimensional accuracy than the printer. I calibrate my printers for EACH roll of filament and can get some really accurate parts if I am using good filament.

Yes, when I am printing prototypes, I am printing slower than $20K+ printers but for most, the difference in accuracy is negligible to the difference in price.

You will not be able to calibrate a Cube…stay away from closed source printers.

I have both printers running.

First setup on UM2 is faster. 10 to 15 minutes before the first print. Print quality is very good!

With this machine you can use a wider assortment of filaments.

My Cube Pro Trio was a bit more complex. 1 nozzle was not correct adjusted. I got superb support from Cubify and could correct it very easy.

From then on it is working just like plug & play.

The advantage is: I can work with 3 colors at the same time or use a different support material.

OK the filament is expensive. But it works quite good with a minimum of shrinking due to cooling. (The complete build chamber is heated!!!)

Yes you can not trick the machine because you have to use the special software and firmware from Cubify.

But for me the most interesting point was: put the data in and wait for the print with some coffees and without any problems.

Finally: I like both printers for what they do.