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19 / 31
Mar 2015

Dave, you should check out the Zortrax M200. IMO, the quality of prints my Zortrax is putting out rivals that of the FFF parts I buy from Quickparts.com. It is limited by ABS shrinkage issues for large size prints that are associated with non-heated enclosures but most parts come out pretty much perfect with no hassles. It uses a ball screw for the Z axis so Z dimensions come out +/- 0.005" and often better. XY tolerances depend more on the height and geometry of the part but they are generally between +/-0.005" to +/-0.020 for very large, tall parts.

I printed an enclosure yesterday with the lid designed with zero tolerance fit. The lid snapped in with a light press fit. We are going to buy a Zortrax to use for prototyping at the engineering firm I work for to save much of the $20k per year we spend having plastic prototypes fabricated. We have a Form1+ which has paid for itself many times over but the parts coming off of the Zortrax are so much stronger I think it will be our go-to printer now.

5 months later