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  • Slow speed down to 40-45 play with temp each color and is a little different I put a acrylic door on ultimaker with pet over glass bed I get my filament from matterhackers I only print abs and carbon fiber I have the iroberts feeder

  • When u install the heatblock u nèed to tighten it when its hot

  • Their should be a clip so the bowdon tube wont move also the firmware is where u write where u want it to autolevel positions do you have the firmware downloaded and u only need 3 spots to get a plane

  • Im in cottage grove what part of the cities are you from sorry i didnt scrow to c u posted before what i asked my phones been having issues

  • What brand of printer.What seems to be wrong with it

  • I would slow the speed down the 1st layer prints really slow so it squeezes the filament on the printbed so it will stick print from sd card if that printer lets you from what you explained about that printer I would return it if it goes back to Chinese

  • I forgot to say cura is totally free just download it from ultimaker.com software download

  • 3D printing as I found out is not plug and play it has a huge learning curve I started with a prusa i3 printer then moved to ultimaker2. abs I found I needed to spray aqua net on buildplate to get it to stick on bed and max speed of 40mm but I been doing very good with abs which I prefer over pla I …

  • I would find some one to draw it up and then print it 3d printer

  • It sounds like you didnt use the profile for your printer at setup it asks what kind of printer you are using and dimensions of the bed also the bed has to be level

  • Have you tryed cura i have that and really like it its free, i have an ultimaker2 and am building a ultimaker2 extended version their are alot of information online forums on how to get started printing ,i did buy Simplify3D but like cura better try matterhackers their is info for printing in what e…

  • i have an ultimaker 2 i like it minus their bowden extruder when it works it does a great job on prints,but their still is alot to learn its still not plug and play,but their is alot of forums where you can learn i have 4 printers printrbot simple metal 2 makerfarm i3v and ultimaker2 wich i perfer G…

  • I had issues with my print heat jamming so I heat it up and push a drill thru .015 drill for .4 tip some times I just load and reload filament and that works I really don’t like the filament feeder on the ultimate good luck