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Apr 2016

New to 3D printing, my experience has been DISMAY to say the least. Bought the PowerSpec Ultra 3D from MicroCenter. Upon advice from their salesman I also bought the Simplify3D software. After 50 straight hours of work my dismal results are:

The FAILURE rate using the slicer included with the PowerSpec is 85% or better. First layers (PLA) almost never stick. It doesn’t matter if I run 200C tip and 60C bed, or 235C tip and 105C bed. No modification to the build plate surface (BuildTak, tape, glue, spray, etc.) shows improvement. The parts I was able to make have a super simple base geometry. The only mode it will print in is “Standard Definition”. It absolutely won’t print in high resolution, ever. I have leveled the bed repeatedly and between every attempt (a simple symptom to eliminate). Here’s some additional observations:
- First layer hardly ever sticks.
- Display will change to Chinese language after power cycle.
- Frequent USB connectivity issues, requires power cycle of machine and computer.
- Filament guide tubes become dislodged from head from print movement.
- Sparse instructions in the box, extra hardware and cables (the heck is the extra cable for?!)
- Metal handle not true and warps plastic door when screws tightened (loosen screws and touch with superglue to hold in place).

The FAILURE rate using Simplify3D is 100%. I have yet to achieve one print on this platform with over 50 attempts. The g-code generated slams and chatters my servos ignoring the stop limits. The z-axis build plate is literally inches from the nozzle and it prints in thin air. I have tried every single setup change and tweek that is available; short of re-writing the code. Everything looks correct in the GUI, but the actual print process is a heart breaking joke.

The entire experience is anger producing. Up until 3am every night since I bought this setup, I have yet to see a reliable result. There are actually several more bugs, mini fails, part flaws, etc. then I am writing about in this post. I have read every form, post, suggestion available. It appears that many people are printing successfully with S3D and with the PowerSpec (a FlashForge knockoff). In general many people are printing in 3D successfully. I am not one of them. I have 15 total days to return this equipment to MicroCenter, after day three I am pretty much ready to do that. I doubt I will be able to return S3D; the customer service is known to suck or be non-existent. End rant, thanks for reading.

  • created

    Apr '16
  • last reply

    Oct '17
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Have you tryed cura i have that and really like it its free, i have an ultimaker2 and am building a ultimaker2 extended version their are alot of information online forums on how to get started printing ,i did buy Simplify3D but like cura better try matterhackers their is info for printing in what ever kind of filament you use abs PLA nylon

3 months later
2 months later
2 months later

First off, the extra cables are spares for the sensors. The printer is not a knockoff of flashforge but a product of flashforge. PlA works fine with extruder 200c and bed 45c with kapton tape and purple elmers glue. The printer is closed source so simplified 3D won’t work. These are all just general and may not work for you but did for me. I will admit though, the USB is kinda a pain but works well with the right computer and I had to repair my printer because of failure to reboot after firmware update. Keep trying.

Please feel free to use any means nessesary to accomplish your goals in life!!!

1 month later

I have an Ultra and have experienced some issues with parts sticking but using a borosilicate glass plate and hair spray solved that. The software provided is a direct port of the Flashforge Dreamer and it has 3 slicers to choose from. It sounds like you may have a later version of the Ultra because mine will not recognize any code created by any other software and mine is much more stable and reliable.

2 months later

I just bought a Power Spec Ultra 3D, I had issues with not being able to print without a raft. Then i got glass from picture frame. Printing like a champ.

8 months later