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Passionate 3D printing and modelling enthusiast, always aiming for the highest quality and best possible service.

  • First if you flashed with the on-line version of Sailfish then that can be an issue. The version on the printer is specific to Flashforge. Now, is there any glass plate or other surface on the bed? Use the manual movement controls to move the bed up and watch to see how close the limit switch is …

  • Color can definitely contribute to issues. Red can behave much different than black. You will probably need to treat each color and brand uniquely. 210 is getting up there on temps for PLA unless it is a specialty one where the manufacturer has stated a higher than normal range. You’d really nee…

  • It sounds like a good 3D scanning package but I have no experience of these so can’t help you further there. My advice would be to ask to see it running. Do a full demonstration so you understand the process in and out before you part with any cash. If you aren’t happy with anything then walk awa…

  • I agree with Mr. Cob. The printer is the least of your worries. 3D scanning is going to be your problem. As a lot of people have found 3d scanners don’t do a great job until you really start spending a lot of cash.

  • It could be the encoder or the cat5 cable going to your print block isn’t seated all the way or needs to be replaced.

  • None. 3d printed toys are not baby suitable. They will be putting them in to their mouth and parts break easily. Buy safe toys that are already tested and available at the store.

  • Check out here. This is where I get all of my PEI sheets. https://catalog.cshyde.com/category/pei-ultem

  • Unsure what you mean exactly by “waterproof”. As far as I know, the machines themselves aren’t really going to reduce shrinkage as much as they will prevent “warpage” due to being either enclosed or open. Materials themselves are what cause “shrinkage” along with the settings you use when printing…

  • I just had another customer ask me today how they could place an order with me again. I really hope 3dhubs rethinks the decision of removing the ability for the customer to reorder. I get customers asking often how they can reorder. I looked over my orders for just this year. Out of 432 I had 335 u…

  • 1. Very. Once you get into hundreds it becomes less practical. 2. Depends on size(yours are small enough that they could be printed in batches on most machines), complexity, detail, post processing. Could be days or weeks. 3. Yes. 4. If a hub can handle the volume you require then discount is sta…

  • Is the cr10 a direct drive or Bowden setup? If it is direct drive then retraction is way to high. Should be 1.2-2mm to start and maybe more like 35-40 mm/s. Extrusion multiplier should be more around 1 for ABS to start and also you need to measure the filament diameter in several places and take …

  • Maybe an easier solution would be load it in simplify 3d. then sink the part you dont want printed below the bed. Or edit process to stop at certain height.

  • I would slow to 40mm/s max and then for the first layer maybe at 40%. And make sure there is no fan on.

  • Everything in the Raise 3D Forum post you are linking to is for consistent shifting. If a belt was slipping or a gear was loose, the shifting would happen with every print. Not sure why everyone jumped to those extremes. Shifting every once and a while is caused by the extruder getting snagged on y…

  • 3 solutions. Add Gcode “M302 S0” in your starting gcode. Modify your configure.h in Marlin firmware as followed. //#define PREVENT_COLD_EXTRUSION #define EXTRUDE_MINTEMP 0 Installed a resistor(I used 270ohms for 224C) where the hotend sensor plugging in to.

  • I own two N2+ and four N2 printers. Raise3D printers are the most reliable machines I have ever owned and has some of the best print quality for a FDM printer in this price range. I’ve owned various Makerbots, Printrbot, Taz5, AirWolf and gCreate printers. More than likely your nozzle is catching o…

  • To our 3D Hubs community, Over the past 5 years the Talk online 3D printing community has grown a lot. In fact, we have grown so much that we have completely outgrown our current forum tool. That’s why we’ve decided to move to a smarter, more intuitive, more feature-rich, and more scalable system p…

  • I have a question. So, I offer a multitude of delivery options to my customers to give them an array of price ranges. Royal Mail in the UK has both a 1st and 2nd class service, my customers often chose 2nd class which is more affordable but takes a few days longer to arrive, if it’s not urgent. Howe…

  • Hello! This is a solution that I’d like to share with you all as it may come in useful sometime, I call it the “Paper Raft”, it certainly worked out for me after I had some adhesion issues with a particular model that didn’t have much of a surface area and also required a lot of support material, “T…

  • Hey 3D Printing Community! My name is Brian! I’m a young teen, and I look foward to 3D printing… If I had a 3D printer :confused: So if you guys could help me out and convince my dad that this isn’t just a “toy” I would appreciate that! He thinks of it as just another “toy” but I see it as a new way to share …

  • Just got notice that repeat customers will start to factor into rating. Overall this is a good thing, as a repeat customer is a very strong indication of the level of service provided by the hub. But the simple fact is - 3DHubs’ 12.5% commission is a non-trivial hit to the profitability of the hub.…

  • So I try really hard to help people on this forum, because as a recipient of help when I was getting started, I try to share that help with others. But the number of posts asking for help that are one or two sentences long are making me a little cranky this morning. The number of helpful folks who a…

  • Anyone else frustrated by the status against your hub that says “Cannot print invoices” when what it actually means for UK Hubs is “Cannot provide VAT invoice”? There’s no restriction on providing an invoice from a non-vat registered company or individual but the way this is listed makes it appear …

  • I recently had the opportunity to use a wall at a local coffee shop in Mountain View, called Red Rock Coffee. I run a Hub and thought it was a great opportunity to help people get closer to the technology. So I picked out some of my favorite 3D Prints from Thingiverse.com and their respective Thing …

  • 3D Hubs, Your new sorting system is completely unacceptable. Default sorting by completion date and prioritizing the Hubs that have a one day turnaround really hurts any Hub that is not a commercial operation, and makes working with “green” customers even more difficult than it already is. Its much …

  • If a customer wants 3D modeling work done in addition to 3D printing, the order system should require the customer to pay for the 3D modeling work and then the 3D printing work separately. I’ve had several instances where a customer wanted something modeled, but then did not go through with the ord…

  • There is a bracket that you can print that repositions the tubes on the back out from the back about 2 inches. Do you have this? If not you definitely need it. Also, I hange my filament on a rod atop The printers and seem to have better luck with that, all 4 of my flashforges now have that, very con…

  • Hey! So I wouldn’t say I’m an expert by any means, but I have done my fair share of modeling in a variety of programs and formats. So here is my 2 cents: *side note: click the green text, its a picture!* STL format is generally used as a ‘finished product’ ‘geometry only’ export format. STL is an …

  • Lol! He was asking about a recommendation between 2 desktop SLA printers in the sub-$10k price range. And you try to sell him your used $150k machine? Or another one for $100k? Nicely done. Maybe he should just buy a Stratasys J750 Polyjet, I’m sure that will meet all his needs now and in the futur…