I just had another customer ask me today how they could place an order with me again. I really hope 3dhubs rethinks the decision of removing the ability for the customer to reorder. I get customers asking often how they can reorder.
I looked over my orders for just this year. Out of 432 I had 335 unique names. 54 customers placed multiple orders. Those 96 extra orders accounted for 1/3rd of my sales(ie 33% of income) . It seems customers will sometimes place small orders at multiple hubs and then place large orders at the one that had the best quality or service.
Even though all hubs agree to the same standards there is always going to be some variation. I could be printing my parts slightly under, but still within tolerance. Now the customer needs more parts to work with previous orders. So he gets a new hub, but that hub is printing parts over but still within tolerance. Now the customer could be stuck with a pile of useless prints they paid for. Or the color variation could be different and they cant sell the product.
Yes there is a lot of orders that the customer doesnt care who prints or if a different person does every time. But the ones that do care are the ones placing the larger orders in my experience.
Oct '18last reply
Oct '18- 2
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