My goal is a great finished product. I can make you a quality print at a fair price. I will go over your design and consult with you about what you are wanting. If any changes are necessary for the print to come out good, I will let you know all of your options.
I don’t know this printer very well, so someone else may have a better answer. I’m assuming you meant 225 C not 325 C? Almost any plastic filament should get soft enough to dislodge at 225 C. Is there a PTFE tube in the hot end that could have came loose or melted into place? If it’s PTFE, 225 C isn…
What do you mean by the printer head dislodged itself? I would start by checking the Z axis stop switch and make sure it hasn’t been bumped. The next thing would be to manually turn the Z axis to the top and make sure both sides are even. Engage the stepper motors and then check again at 100 mm or s…
I think the 2 best mods are Z braces and an all metal hot end. With the Wanhao or the Maker Select the first thing you want to do is change out the connectors where the wires attach to the board. The ongoing problems with these connections ended up biting me in the butt. I though the version I had w…
I think your best bet would be a good SLA printer. With the right setup and material, it should be well within the capabilities of SLA.
As others have said, they are the same machine but Wanhao has made revisions to the machine over time and some parts may be slightly different from previous versions. According to which part you need, you will need to check that it matches the revision you have.
Let us know how that goes. I have seen some reports on other forums lately about huge delays with wanhaousa. Hopefully that won’t be an issue with you but it’s always good to have the latest reports. Good luck to you.
Other than the name on the printer and box there is no difference between the Wanhao and the Monoprice. Wanhao makes them. If you can get the same printer from Monoprice for less money, you aren’t missing anything. The MOSFET mod is one way people have been addressing the problems with the Wanhao b…
I apologize if my post came across that way. My intention is not to scare anyone off but to try and help so that an informed decision can be made. There are many people out there that have bought cheap printers and/or kits and are not happy with them. So not only do they end up with a bad experience…
Everyone has their own opinions and standards to which they wish to judge by and my opinions are just that, mine. I have no experience with closed source printers and would never have anything to do with one, so I can’t comment on those but let’s be honest with each other almost every FDM 3D printer…
As far as I know it includes all boards that have the plug in connectors. My understanding is that all new boards from Wanhao (including the Plus) have went to the screw terminal connections.
The latest boards that have went out are using screw terminals instead of the traditional connectors. No fires have been reported with the screw terminals yet. The only way to know for sure is to look at the main board and see if it has the new screw terminals.
If you choose to go with Wanhao, the first thing you want to do is make the proper repairs to the main board to cut down on the risk of fire. Wanhao has been cutting corners when it comes to the connectors used for the power connections on the board and it has resulted in many fires. There are instr…
This is just my opinion but I think you are shooting a little low on price. I understand a budget but at the price you are looking to spend, there isn’t anything that will meet your expectations. Printers in this price range will not match any of the selling points you are looking for. Print size wi…
It’s the middle of Chinese New Year. China is basically shut down right now and I wouldn’t expect any kind of update from Wanhao for at least another week or possibly more. Your credit card company is probably your only hope of getting a refund anytime soon. I once waited almost six months on a refu…
I don’t take issue with you personally but the price of the printer is really not relevant. If a company were selling a $10 toaster that had a known defect and was catching fire would you say, “You should have bought the $20 toaster, I’m not surprised a $10 toaster catches fire.”?
I really don’t know what to say about this. I guess I could say that it’s good that you are getting a replacement board and that whomever (I’m assuming Technology Outlet) is providing that board has at least some integrity. But, the fact that Wanhao knows about the problem and is only willing to rep…
This is an ongoing problem with Wanhao. Mine actually caught on fire. The power requirements are more than what the connectors are rated for. Usually the problem starts with the heated bed connector since it draws the most power. If the printer is still under warranty, Wanhao should repair it at no …
Wanhao USA has an inconsistent track record. Sometimes they seem to do OK and others they seem to drop the ball. I don’t know if they have fully repaired their relationship with the mother company, there was a time when Wanhao China pulled them from being an authorized distributor. If your printer i…
This information is for the original V1 and even though Wanhao likes to use the term recall, it’s not what you think it means. Wanhao posted the information about the problem on their group and left it up to the end user to determine if there was a problem. Wanhao’s fix for the fire hazard… electric…
If history is any indicator, Wanaho does not do a traditional “recall” in the sense most of us are used to. I don’t know what, if anything, they will do but I don’t think their concern is safety over profit. Just search the internet for “Wanhao Fire” and you can see that almost every printer and ver…
My intention was not to minimize damage. My intention was to see just how far this would go. Wanhao seems to have a history of fire hazards and I wanted to see if this failure would lead to one and of course it did. After doing some research I have seen the information about the board connectors bei…
Who did you place the order with? Wanhao has different distributors all over the world and some are better than others.
My i3 V2.1 caught fire last night. Smoke and flame were coming out of the power supply box. I opened the box up to see what went wrong and didn’t see anything obvious. So I plugged the machine back in turned it on. A flame started immediately from where the heated bed connects to the controller boar…
Just my two cents worth. The printing speed increase is all “hype”. The speeds advertised by Monoprice (or Wanhao, since they actually make the printer) don’t hold up in the real world. The Maker Select V2 (or Wanhao i3) is a great printer with a proven track record. With a few inexpensive modificat…