I am currently trying to decide which 3D printer to buy and am trying to decide between the Monoprice select mini and and the M3D Micro 3D Printer. Selling points for me are.
-Maximum Print Size
-Best Print Quality
-Print Speed
-Ease of use
-Range of usable filaments
I am open to suggestions about other 3D printers but do not want to pay more than 225$
Also if anyone has a 3D printer that they are willing to sell just comment down bellow and i will get in contact with you.
This is just my opinion but I think you are shooting a little low on price. I understand a budget but at the price you are looking to spend, there isn’t anything that will meet your expectations. Printers in this price range will not match any of the selling points you are looking for. Print size will be small, quality will be marginal at best, speed will definitely be slow, range of filaments will be non-existent, and ease of use and reliability will be low as well. To give an analogy it’s like saying you want to buy a brand new car that’s made well and is safe and reliable for $12,000 US. That car just doesn’t exist. Increase your budget by $125 and there are some printers that start to make sense. Double your budget and there are quite a few printers to choose from. There is no reason to have to spend $2000 on a 3D printer any more if you don’t want to but IMHO $350-$500 is the lowest price of entry for a printer that is worth the trouble of owning. Best of luck to you.
I apologize if my post came across that way. My intention is not to scare anyone off but to try and help so that an informed decision can be made. There are many people out there that have bought cheap printers and/or kits and are not happy with them. So not only do they end up with a bad experience with 3D printing but their wallets are lighter as well. There are so many abandoned printers and kits out there that could have been avoided by spending a few dollars more. If you’re not building a kit or a least consider yourself a tinkerer, 3D printing has a higher price of admission for a ready to go printer. That’s all I’m trying to say.