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  • Wow, there were 7760 visitors of the #3dprintfacade website during the competition! Which led to 49 entries from 12 different countries. We were pleasantly surprised by all the variety of unique designs we received. The winner of the jury price is: [winner1_0.jpg] CANALWALL by Henry den Ouden. …

  • Hello fellow Hubs, Last week we updated our Hub pricing system, making it a lot more advanced. We’ve already got tons of questions over the weekend so time to do a quick run through. Let me start by putting out a statement; your Hub price has NOT changed. The update allows you to do more advanced …

  • Ola all Looking for someone with some knowledge on the I3 printer to help me set mine up. Been a nightmare for the last month, blown board, warped bed etc etc. Anyone able to help? Will pay for assistance with money or delicious BBQ food :smiley:

  • I am the only one who didn’t know? I was shocked when I discovered today all the Hubs pricing options had changed, I am getting used to it already but you scared me for a moment; it is much more complex than before! I hurried to change my printer’s properties, and overall I find the new system more…

  • Hey @altometer, I’m glad you mentioned it! An app to manage orders and printers would certainly be a huge benefit to all our Hubs but unfortunately it’s not on our roadmap for the coming months. Our plan is to make the current platform as stable as possible before we take the next logical step and …

  • I’m based in Sydney and would be happy to print these as donations.

  • Our hub recently printed 16 of the raptor reloaded in 100%, 120%, 124%, 130% and 140%. For the tensioning screws and pins we used m3x20(100% only), m4x20, or m5x20 (140% only) screws being sure to predrill and tap them, appropriately. For the Palm Velcro we used m5x8mm or m3x8mm (100% only) button s…

  • So great to see Hubs taking part of the E-nable movement!

  • This group is awesome. Just delivered a hand last week. I reccomend contacting Enable to go through their matching service. www.enablingthefuture.org They have lists of recipients based on location. They provide contact info and file photos of the person you will be helping. It was a fun and rewardi…

  • Hi Michael (Muckychris here - LOVE the Maker Depot!!!) Anyhow - I’m printing one now for 3D Hubs Charity. I did put $5 as a shipping cost and it was paid promptly.

  • Our makerspace, Maker Depot, also just finished printing our first e-Nable hand for charity. I will voice the same issues that the Nathanial had with the process. I had printed 2 of these prior to this for a reduced fee, so I did have some experience with them. It was a little confusing as to what …

  • Great job! For more clarification on the hand assembly and build, check the enable site there are specific parts listing and instructions on how to print and assemble each hand. Here is a link to an instructable that walks you through everything as well, http://m.instructables.com/id/Assembly-of-e-N…

  • As 3dprintdaddy said, this is usually an acceleration or even “jerk” issue. Acceleration is how fast the speed changes, jerk is how fast the acceleration changes. The ghosting shows up from the machine oscillating after it makes a sharp corner: from the letter detail, back to the flat background pat…

  • @ Thanks for the explanation and the update. I do not know of course how other hub owners do it, but I ALWAYS adjust the price calculated according to the results of the WEIGHT of material which is needed to fulfill the order as calculated by my own slicer. That will include the material needed fo…