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Oct 2015

Our hub recently printed 16 of the raptor reloaded in 100%, 120%, 124%, 130% and 140%. For the tensioning screws and pins we used m3x20(100% only), m4x20, or m5x20 (140% only) screws being sure to predrill and tap them, appropriately. For the Palm Velcro we used m5x8mm or m3x8mm (100% only) button screws depending on the scale. We followed Andreas bastians excellent instructable for the raptor reloaded. See more about it at http://Hedron.technology/adoptahand

Hi, thanks for the offering to help. We are currently in talks with e-NABLE on the best way to move forward. Thanks again.

Hey Altometer,

I volunteer for eNable and was discussing your experience with my fellow eNable volunteers in the lab, and they pointed me in the direction to this forum:


The hand that you printed is still in beta testing, and is being developed by Jason Bryant. If you could please share your experience again on that forum it would be a huge help to the developers. You provide some good insights and I am sure they would like to hear them. I will post a link to this discussion there as well to try and help funnel some discourse between these two groups.

I also urge everyone else to share their experiences with printing and assembling hands on the eNabling-the-future forums. This is all valuable product testing that is directly beneficial and is for a great cause!

Thank you,


8 months later

I realise a lot of people are now getting involved with these kinds of projects, but I’m keen to hear from the recipients of the hands. I’d like to do some research into their benefits and how they improve lives (if they do…?). Has anyone had much feedback from their hand recipients?
