Looking for someone with some knowledge on the I3 printer to help me set mine up. Been a nightmare for the last month, blown board, warped bed etc etc.
Anyone able to help? Will pay for assistance with money or delicious BBQ food
Remove the payment and organize me a trip to London and we have a deal If you have any specific questions you can ask me if you want. I don’t actually own an i3, but ive tinkered a lot with my printer and so I might still know, what you’re doing wrong. Cheers, Marius Breuer
Ola guys and ladies (maybe). Thanks for the quick replies.
Im in StAlbans and have had this Wanhao I3 for about 1.5 months now with endless hassles.
Finally got it printing something of mine last night but I still have rippling and some temp issues where the finish changes on the test block I am printing.
To be honest, I just want it set up and sorted so I can actually enjoy it a little bit more.
Wanna start printing hands and stuff for kids and some photo gear, but so far the experience hasnt been great.
I have a hephestos prusa i3, but I think is the same principal of yours.
If you want some help we can do a hangout (gustavo@gustavino.co.uk)! I live in Bow London and I love BBQ! hehe, but honestly maybe we can fix what you need more easy than you think! I’m not a specialist, but maybe I can help you.
Ah thats awesome man. Yeah, would love to just get this set up and see if something is wrong. My bed keeps going out of level (if thats a method of speaking… tired = crap english).
Got one decent print out on Saturday, but for the life of me Im getting airprints etc etc the last 48 hours.
Hi, I just saw in internet some videos explain how to level the bed for your model.
What I’m done, and I have to say to you, that I only need to level my bed once a month, is to have a glass surface which I remove from the printer after finishing. In this way I don’t put pressure in the bed to remove any print.
The other thing that’s help is to have the print in a stable base, which you do not need to move.
If you google the name of your print you will see a video explain how to level and to insert a glass on the bed.
I use more PLA and for this to stick to the bed, I apply in the glass a blue tape and the prints worked really fine.
I have a glass base on it but its down on sticky silicone pads which will still pull on the Alu bed when I remove it, so thats something I cant do at the moment.
Its just weird as the back of the bed is almost fully screwed in place (adjustment screws) and the front not.
What should the printer be level with? with that I mean, should the x axis be in line with the frame, level like a spirit level? or just the base?
The level is the base for Z axis, which means when your Z axis is 0 the nozzle have to be a paper thickener height of your bed in its 5 points (all four corners + center).
Normally you have a levelling setup in the machine menu, which put your print in home position (0,0,0) and then go through the four conners and finishing in the center.
I bought a prusa i3 from China about 5 months ago and it takes a while to get it dialed in. I would level my bed every 3-5 prints, but was still having issues. My aluminum bed was warped, so first off you need to make sure the bed itself is level. The easiest way I found to level the bed was screw in the 4 corners to give yourself the ability to raise, as well as lower each corner. Then you need to set your z limit switch to stop the carriage as close to the bed as you can. Move the nozzle to the front left corner, home the z axis, and place a piece of paper under the nozzle, adjust that screw to where there is some resistance on it. Repeat this for the remaining 3 corners, and if your bed is indeed level, the center should be set. Since my bed was warped in the center, I was able to level the 4 corners and place a piece of glass slightly raised on the foam double sided tape. My prints are coming out great now.
I did this and even got a custom Z axis adapter made to adjust it with my glass bed. Its just as if I can level it, but when I print it moved to airprinting… I can get a good print out maybe 1 out of every 15. Ill try leveling again today and try and work out the kinks, but its starting to get to me now. I just want someone to dial it in and actually tell me if something is physically wrong with the printer.
What material/temp and what is your initial layer height? Going up to .3mm or even .4mm for first layer may help get you started. You can also try slowing down the first layer. I put my first layer of PLA down on a non-heated glass bed coated with a glue stick at 210c .25mm and 10mm/s(1mm^3/s).