Inventor, Sketchup, Tinkercad are all viable software for designing 3D parts. However, depending on how complex your part needs to be, your best option will change. I’ve used Inventor and there is a HUGE learning curve involved but once you get it, you’ll like it. Sketchup is in the middle, you can’…
@Filemon please make an article regarding this because we are all confused>>
Should be fine
Yeah, calibration is an issue even nowadays. Anyone ever used OpenDACT?
Depends how much filament is on it. If it’s a lot then the cardboard might wear out.
I would prefer getting new filament right away. If you can, bring this filament recycling to the KC metro area, Olathe, Overland Park, Leawood!
I would prefer dropping them off at a local business or store and then either having a tag or something so people can recieve their share of filament when they come back.
I would just use Repetier-Host because it works with my Folgertech Kossel Mini Rev A. As for the head moving slow to the bed, it seems like the feedrate is off. Another thing is that if you have a Marlin configuration I found a Repetier page that allow you to upload the Marlin configuration and have…
I would personally suggest moving to Repetier and running an SD card supported LCD display.
Yeah definitely, you have to adjust the current or the motors will get extremely hot, that’s extremely important because if you don’t adjust then you’ll melt plastic.
On mine I have Ramps 1.4 and Arduino Mega 2560 with Repetier and Repetier Host. That’s what I’d suggest.
It’s tie rod hole to tie rod hole. What’s the other issue?
Still for sale?
What method did you use to make the arms? Did you use a paint stick jig?
I have tried doing it with that method and the delta radius with the dish and bowl was always throwing it off.
What was your temp and filament type before and after the change?
I know someone who is a software developer and might be interested. However, do you guys still need developers and would they need to be in Amsterdam?
That would just be an instant scaling thing other than facial contours
You can also call Bryan by his number on the hub page
I would agree additionally with Gary. A flexible material would most likely be best for printing, and Bryan’s Hub most likely does print in flexible plastic.
Look for Bryan’s Hub! He is one of the best out there and is very easy to work with. His printers make high quality parts and he is very knowledgable about the field of 3D printing.