Anyone have any problems as to setting up a Kossel Mini? I still need to tune the motors, use OpenDACT or manual calibration, and start printing cubes…
Jun '16last reply
Jun '16- 13
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Anyone have any problems as to setting up a Kossel Mini? I still need to tune the motors, use OpenDACT or manual calibration, and start printing cubes…
Here a procedure a friend if mine from 3D Printing Academy in Hong Kong sent me:
During our last workshop at CDNIS, we have developed a new, streamlined way to calibrate the Deltas without the need of the Autolevel Probe! It looks complicated but if performed carefully, it should not take much longer than 15 minutes per printer. We did 10 printers in one afternoon:
New Calibration without Z-Probe
a. Important: wash Glass Bed with soap to remove any residues from factory. The residues render the UHU glue useless.
b. Start Printrun and enter: M666 H265 X-5 Y-5 Z-5, store with M500
c. Home, then move Head to X: G0 X-73 Y-42 Z5 F6000 (you can program it in Printrun)
d. Manually move head down until nozzle is paper thickness above glass bed
e. Example: If display shows 2.1mm, then 5 - 2.1 = 2.9 enter: M666 X-2.9
f. Home, and repeat for X until nozzle exactly 0.1mm above glass bed; store with M500
g. Home, then move Head to Y: G0 X73 Y-42 Z5 F6000
h. Repeat d) e) and f) for Y
i. Home, then move Head to Z: G0 X0 Y73 Z5 F6000
j. Repeat d) e) and f) for Z
k. Repeat again c) - j) for X, Y, Z and adjust if necessary
l. Store with M500
m. Once X, Y, Z are all exactly 0.1mm above glass bed, home and move head to center: G0 X0 Y0 Z5 F6000
n. Manually move head down until nozzle is paper thickness above glass bed
o. Example: If display shows 0.1mm, then (250 – 0.1 = 249.9) enter M666 H249.9
p. Store with M500
Your printer is now perfectly calibrated and does not need G29 Autolevel anymore!
Remarks: If you forget the settings, you can always check with M666 L.
If you get inconsistent results then most likely one or more of your spur gears are slipping and/or endstops are not well fixed. Check and tighten.
I have tried doing it with that method and the delta radius with the dish and bowl was always throwing it off.
Following this thread.
I have a mini Kossel with a MKS Mini which doesn’t seem to want to accept the configuration I acquired from github. Also, controller software is an issue, Repetier and MatterControl don’t play well so it’s one or the other - the Rostock wins hands-down. A couple of days ago I purchased an android app to control the mini, the OTG cable is on order and I’m excited to try that approach. Any advice on any of this appreciated.
Additionally, the arms are nothing like the samples I’ve found online so my measurements are based on my best attempts and could be an issue.
Anyway, I’m looking forward to reading any responses on this subject as the reproach forums seem to be deficient on info these days…or my researching skills need honing.
What method did you use to make the arms? Did you use a paint stick jig?
I meant diagonal rods, not arms. I didn’t make the rods, they came with the printer and I’m not certain who makes them and most importantly, what measurement I should use…end to end, eye to eye…? That problem is secondary to the firmware and controller issue. Once I get past that I can work on fine tuning the configuration
It’s tie rod hole to tie rod hole. What’s the other issue?
On mine I have Ramps 1.4 and Arduino Mega 2560 with Repetier and Repetier Host. That’s what I’d suggest.
Hole to hole, that’s useful. The other issue is the controller, I use MatterControl for the Rostock which is not playing well with the mini. I installed Repetier which caused issues with MatterControl (an issue that has been plaguing my host system since). The configuration in Arduino for the mini is straight from github, and with no other configuration to use I’m stuck with the mini doing weird things. Such as, the head moves incredibly slow to the bed, and will not calibrate z height properly…I was frustrated and out of time before leaving it awhile.
These are current issues that I haven’t really looked at since my last round of troubleshooting. I have a mega and ramps, all the things I need to switch over. The installation and configuration is really the next step.
to comment on the delta vs Cartesian design as a first printer: the Rostock max is a great machine and hasn’t disappointed me yet, which was a deciding factor in my purchasing the mini
Yeah, calibration is an issue even nowadays. Anyone ever used OpenDACT?