On mine I have Ramps 1.4 and Arduino Mega 2560 with Repetier and Repetier Host. That’s what I’d suggest.
Hole to hole, that’s useful. The other issue is the controller, I use MatterControl for the Rostock which is not playing well with the mini. I installed Repetier which caused issues with MatterControl (an issue that has been plaguing my host system since). The configuration in Arduino for the mini is straight from github, and with no other configuration to use I’m stuck with the mini doing weird things. Such as, the head moves incredibly slow to the bed, and will not calibrate z height properly…I was frustrated and out of time before leaving it awhile.
These are current issues that I haven’t really looked at since my last round of troubleshooting. I have a mega and ramps, all the things I need to switch over. The installation and configuration is really the next step.
to comment on the delta vs Cartesian design as a first printer: the Rostock max is a great machine and hasn’t disappointed me yet, which was a deciding factor in my purchasing the mini
I would just use Repetier-Host because it works with my Folgertech Kossel Mini Rev A. As for the head moving slow to the bed, it seems like the feedrate is off. Another thing is that if you have a Marlin configuration I found a Repetier page that allow you to upload the Marlin configuration and have the values transfer over. I’ll let you know when I find a link.
Good choice on printer. I’ve used various kinds, and the Kossel Mini + that I built seems to work the most reliably. I respect the choices that other have made, by my personal experience has been positive. I’d suggest an auto calibration probe and a firmware that handles it for anyone building one. I like https://github.com/RichCattell/Marlin/tree/Testing 3 for the firmware, and the IR probe from maker DC42 is amazing, and distributed in the US through Filastruder: Mini differential IR height sensor - Filastruder 2. If your Repetier setup works, keep it. The probe has been amazingly accurate in getting my printer to pretty sick calibration, and I’ve had the bed off once or twice without even having to recalibrate.
I also love and recommend the Bondtech Extruder - it’s expensive, but I have yet to have any single issues with extrusion related to it. Once you get proper extrusion/retraction feedrate and E-steps dialed in, it’s extraordinarily reliable and even prints Ninjaflex through a 600mm bowden tube without any complaints.
It sounds like you’re going through the mechanical calibration and are interested or have purchased a probe, all of which will make for happy printing. The instructions left by Cello below are what I’ve seen used elsewhere and should get you very close. I found that the additional probe firmware calibration made things perfect. I’m not sure what your issue with delta radius is - it may be prudent to re-measure the parameters for whatever Repetier uses to calibrate it.
For calibration objects, I’ve done away with cubes for the delta and moved on to this object: Calibration Reuleaux Triangle by senormeow - Thingiverse 3. If it prints and the inside diameter is on and the point-to-point distance from each of the vertices is the same, you’re golden. If not, you can orient the object so that each point faces a tower and then are able to quickly identify if your rods or off or something’s not right otherwise with a tower offset calibration number. For delta radius calibration and tweaking, something like these concentric circles works (and also is helpful for getting the bed mechanically flat): Bed Levelling Spirals by clefranc - Thingiverse 1. If your radius is slightly off they will be noticeably different in height from the perimeter to the center, and any high-side on the bed will be obviously apparent. If it’s trying to drill your hotend into the center of your print bed, I’d get that fixed before trying these.
That would be great, I’ll scour in the meantime and hopefully locate something useful
So I’ll do the same. My kossel mini is still not correctly tuned for 90° angles. I hope as I can start this week.
Yeah, calibration is an issue even nowadays. Anyone ever used OpenDACT?