ISO someone to 3D print a pair of glasses for my visually impaired daughter. My daughter has a visual impairment called Leber’s Congenital Amaurosis with extreme photophobia which causes her to be very light sensitive. She currently wears glasses with dark red tinted lenses; however when she is outdoors light seeps in on the top, sides and bottom of the frames which is very uncomfortable and somewhat painful for her. I have searched high and low for a child’s frame that fits her face snug enough to block out the light but that doesn’t hug her face so much that her eye lashes touch the frame, somewhat of fit-over frame or something similar to welder’s glasses. I found a file on Grabcad that I think would be perfect, I am looking for someone in my area who could print them for me. Thank you.
Look for Bryan’s Hub! He is one of the best out there and is very easy to work with. His printers make high quality parts and he is very knowledgable about the field of 3D printing.
I feel for your daughters troubles.
I could not figure out what glasses you wanted to print by looking at your link.
I found the following thing on thingiverse – –
Maybe it would help you in some manner.
If you do some searching for a hub that prints using something like Semi Flex material, that might work for sealing light from
your daughters eyes.
I’m very surprised that you have gotten only one response to your inquiry here on 3dHubs.
Just my 2 cents worth.
I would agree additionally with Gary. A flexible material would most likely be best for printing, and Bryan’s Hub most likely does print in flexible plastic.
Ha! Those glasses are certainly fun but not really practical for everyday use. Thanks for the tip on the semi flex material! I too am very surprised at the lack of responses but I’m determined to find someone who can do this! These are the glasses I’m trying to have made.

You can also call Bryan by his number on the hub page 
Thanks! I’m in contact with Bryan.
It’s good to hear that you are in contact with a hub that is pretty close to where you live.
Please let us know how things turn out in the end.
Children grow pretty fast.
If the 3d printed glasses work out, you will be able to have larger ones printed very easily as
your child grows.
That would just be an instant scaling thing other than facial contours