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Jul 2017

I have a printer form1 + I bought it well and printed well with non-original resins as fun to do just that if you are not in warranty and you have a problem asking you to ship it in united states and a $ 800 expense to repair it then $ 800 buy 2 whanao logically the printing area and less but the expense and proportionate

1) If you are OK with the Formlabs Form 2 cost, great – it’s a good printer and a good company. I have a From 1+. I’m not sure what you mean, but the Form 2 is SLA (stereolithography) which uses a laser to harden the photopolymer resin. A DLP (digital light processor) based printer uses a projected image to harden an entire photopolymer layer at a time.

2) Yes, Formlabs Form 2 will work with 3rd party resins. You may need to experiment with settings, but it is specifically mentioned as a feature of the Form 2.

3) I suggest you watch YouTube review videos to help you choose. The Formlabs Form 2 has had excellent reviews of performance. The D7, not so much. Look foremost for failure rate – if at any time a print fails, you are starting from scratch. So far in my research the Form 2 is the most reliable. The other brands not so much. Other things to look for are print time, resolution, build volume and 3rd party resin compatibility – the importance of these are based on you intended use.

Hi Joushuah, thanks for the reply. Sprintray is a bit out of my budget and work on Windows 10.

Since consistency is the key, … what are your thoughts and experince on Flash forge Hunter. They claim that they have in house projector. I stay in India so Form 2 and Hunter are priced the same. Which one would you suggest?

Hi, thanks for the reply :slight_smile:

since you have any extensive hands on experince, can you tell me the difference between an SLA Resin and a DPL Resin. Price wise they both are at par.


Thnx for the reply. Been on youtube and saw many reviews for D7.

Well this would be my first of a kind SLA Printer (or DLP Printer… not yet decided).

So I might as well as go for Plug and Play Printer. D7 may be promising but in India I’m paying almost double for what I buy for the liquid resin… (may be Resins dear to me next to Gold…). So i guess have have to use the Resin wisely. May be in future I might give it a try…

Hey David, Thanks for the reply.

Yess!!! what you say is true about the FDMs.

I think its for XYZ Nobel 1.0 A which seems to accept only the cartrige made by the company. Wont accept 3rd party as each container has got a chip, so each container can only be used once. Dont know… may be its for other printer… (right now its mostly PRINTER overload) will check on it later and confirm

3 months later
2 months later


have you had a chance to play with the Moai? this is great being that you have the Form2. After the whole calibration of the Moai is done, how would you compare them?