I have tried many prosumer machines like Pegasus , formlabs and the some of those ultra cheap dlp printers. In my experience you get what you pay for. The cheap dlp can work but will require a lot of tinkering both with the machine and software. Pegasus had awful customer support but it did work although not very well. I eventually landed on a form1+ and have had the most consistent results. The cost of resin is not too high considering high end machine resin cost. You will have to decide your level of involvement, do you want to click and print or do you want to tinker.
My form 2 has never failed, i don’t know if it’s just a lucky machine but I’ve printed hundreds of small objects without a single failure! I haven’t received my Moai yet but that’s the other very promising printer we’ve got recently https://peopoly.net/ 33
Hi all, I am interested in a SLA printer also so I have been lurking in the shadows listening so excuse me for butting in!
My main question is the cost of a print. Is it a significant amount more than FDM? I know, very general question and maybe apples to oranges.
Here is the setup. I print a “widget” in ABS and it comes out nice. Let’s say it is 90x90x140mm with just a few basic supports. Let’s say I would like to have the part with a better finish that SLA may provide.
I priced my part on 3Dhubs, to see a comparison, and for FDM get a cost of about $30 compared to SLA at a cost of $100-250.
I understand SLA is more costly but I am just trying to get an idea of what I might expect.
Thanks for any thoughts and also all of the great info in this thread.
Yes. Sla is more and there r instances where it might not make sense to use an sla. But, there r pieces that an fdm printer could never be able to print.
I printed A three inch tall piece by about 2.5 inch square. It was hollow and only cost my customer $15 to print. That part would have looked horrible with fdm.
The thing to to know is that fdm printers have infill, where sla will print solid unless the part was made hollow. That could be the reason why the cost was high.