Yep, I agree, I am actually pulling my entries out. They were made ages ago, one of them in 2014.
I wonder why all these maker competitions are designed to be this way. Instructables contests always have a bunch of submissions of things made in the past. Maybe a better format would be to declare the topic and rules of the competition and give a month for makers to prepare their design before opening up submissions? Anyway, just my two cents.
Excuse me, I also participate in this competition and I also do not understand how you can have as many positive vote with a Dath Vader as ugly.
Obviously that you can cheat.
It is not possible that people do not see the real good job!
Good luck in spite of all
I thought this was wrong from the first day of the competition. Entries in the competition should be made for the competition.
I would like a good design competition (there are a few). I can do the design and have access to a printer at work (so I know what works and what doesn’t - but I’m not allowed to use it for personal prints) and would love to have one at home. So, here’s a contest for people who have a printer and they can win a printer. I feel it’s another case of “the rich get richer…” I can see giving away spools to people with printers - that makes sense, but not giving away a printer to people with a printer.
As a post-script - Yes, I enter every competition I can where I can win a printer. I just don’t have the opportunity to enter this one.
I have no gripes about submitting older works if the contest holder deems they are valid. I also agree that this contest should be made for people who made models for this contest as those individuals put in the work specifically for it. It would be more refreshing to see newer works get some recognition. Big fan of your modeling btw. The voting just needs to allow everyone an equal chance. It’s just quite discouraging that any new entries beyond this point be not be worth one’s effort.
I agree with you, my Darth Vader is really ugly (and don’t even think about what’s under that mask), focusing on a low-poly style limits what I can do with my designs, and 3D printing has some limitations too. The final result is usually what it’s left after solving the low-poly and the 3D printing problems or limitations.
About the real good job, be sure that people can see it. Your work and most of the other entries of the contest have my upvote, because I find them amazing and really inspiring. Your design is really detailed, and I wouldn’t even consider designing such a complex thing, my knowledge is very limited compared to yours. I wouldn’t be so interested in 3D printing if it wasn’t for all the community behind it, and be sure that I will die sharing my work and fighting for an open community.
I’m sorry if the upvotes my entry has have made you believe I cheated. Consider that I asked my followers and my closest friends to take a look and vote me if they considered I deserved the vote. Having fifty upvotes should be considered a complete fail. Is that cheating? Some of my friends have registered to vote me. I won’t hide anything, if 3D Hubs think I should be disqualified or that I shouldn’t participate, I will accept it.
This competition is terribly flawed. With a quick VPN shuffle I could up upvote any of these to #1. I think anyone who didn’t make the model specifically for this Comp should pull out.
Wow. Did not know about that. That will definitely lead to malicious intents. Maybe a better way to pick a winner is to go by the number of downloads a model has. That may works great as it will be newly uploaded models without preexisting downloads and a more definite way of showing popularity. This upvote voting system is horrible. It can definitley be gamed. Hope someone can bring this to the attention of the contest holder or some 3d hubs admin.
Switching ip, proxy, doesn’t let you vote more. It’s 1 up vote per 3dhubs account. One needs to log into their account to vote. Meaning if someone wanted to do say 20 votes, they would need 20 email addresses and sign up for 20 new 3D hubs accounts. That I’m sure would be noticeable and flagged by the contest holders.