I wonder why all these maker competitions are designed to be this way. Instructables contests always have a bunch of submissions of things made in the past. Maybe a better format would be to declare the topic and rules of the competition and give a month for makers to prepare their design before opening up submissions? Anyway, just my two cents.
Excuse me, I also participate in this competition and I also do not understand how you can have as many positive vote with a Dath Vader as ugly.
Obviously that you can cheat.
It is not possible that people do not see the real good job!
Good luck in spite of all
Guys please read the contest rules! It says DESIGN and print not download other peoples designs. People who have just printed someone else’s work do not really fit the contest requirements.
I understand you, and feel free to call my designs ugly, because I will probably agree with you. Your design is really detailed, and if you put side by side your design and mine everyone would prefer the lightsaber. As users are the ones who decide who has more or less votes, there are other things we should consider:
I’ve been designing low-poly models for more than a year, and my models are really easy to print as my priority was to make all the printing (and post-processing) as easy and smooth as possible. If we asked a group of 100 people with a 3D printer how many would make your lightsaber, maybe 5/100 would have the tools, time, passion for SW and money to make yours (being so detailed and using so many components reduces a lot the number of people who would make it). With my model, which can be certainly ugly, 100/100 people would be able to print it in 2 hours and with no extra material. I believe that can be the reason why my ugly Darth Vader is popular, and it’s because it’s so easy that everyone can make it.
I see your lightsaber design as a collector item and my Darth Vader as a Happy Meal toy.
Hi guys, just a quick update on the contest and rules. I’ve just had a call with Ultimaker and we look at the issue as “upvotes” as judging criteria for the entries. Indeed upvotes are not the clearest way to show the great work behind an innovative, inspiring Star Wars design. Together we decided on the following, based also on your feedback.
A jury composed by Ultimaker and 3D Hubs team members will decide on the 3 winners on March 21st. Upvotes will be used by the community to show appreciation for the design, but not as the mean to elect the winner.
Judging Criteria Update: Together with Ultimaker we saw the issues in the upvoting system for the design entries. For this reason we’ve changed the judging criteria system from upvotes to a jury, which will be composed by Ultimaker and 3D Hubs. The winner of the competition will be declared on March 21st. In this way everyone will have enough time to create and print the best Star Wars gadget around. Hope this can solve any issue around the competition. If you’ve any question, please ask